Acne shows up in many different forms and there does not seem to be any consensus on the exact causes of acne
. Why is it that some pores are affected and others not? There seems to be quite a few factors that affect the onset of acne and acne redness and just as many variables for the cure and control of this skin disorder.
There are both physical and psychological attributes to acne. The biggest and primary symptom is the physical outbreak on the face. This can be awkward thus creating most of the psychological concerns many deal with on a daily basis. People can feel embarrassed as their form to their peer group has been altered. For a teenager just beginning to develop a sense of what they are all about these outbreaks of acne are a disturbing period. Many will withdraw from events to avoid the shame associated with acne and the scaring that can result.
Some feel acne is an exclusive teenager issue but adult acne is increasing and scaring can be worse for the adult as opposed to the teenager. Most adults dont seek help and will avoid social engagements as they feel embarrassed about their appearance.
Acne can be grouped into 2 distinct categories (non-inflammatory and inflammatory). If you have black or white heads the acne is in the non-inflammatory category. The inflammatory category includes nodules and cysts that can turn into a serious issue if not handled.
The handling of acne and acne redness should start with an evaluation of whether you are suffering from inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne as the treatment can be dissimilar. Finding an useful regiment that does what it claims is also be a test for the affected. Many products maintain they can eliminate this skin disorder rapidly and that just isnt a realistic claim. Many treatments will take anywhere from months to get this disorder under containment.
So beware of rapid treatment advertisements. Discover a quality treatment that has many good reviews, stay with the regiment and be patient as acne can not be healed overnight.