Scabies is an infectious skin condition which is caused by a specific species of mites
. These mites are typically microscopic in nature and hence cannot be seen with the naked eye. These mites would burrow deep into the skin and often appears like a pencil mark on the skin. They would lay their eggs and these mites would complete a full life cycle of 21 days. The body would often produce allergic reactions due to the bodies of these mites or due to the excretions by them. Scabies is known to be one of the most commonly occurring skin conditions in the world and as many as 3 million people are affected worldwide. These mites are often transmitted from one host to another by coming in direct or indirect contact.
With the latest pharmaceutical advances, there are quite a lot of medications readily available for scabies. These medications comprise of pills, tropical gels or creams. However, since these medications are intended to eliminate the mites, they would often cause harmful side effects. Therefore, people suffering from scabies choose the natural medications or treatments.
In the recent times, it has been proven that Acapulco leaves have been effective for the treatment of scabies. These leaves could be crushed and then applied directly on the skin. They are known to possess therapeutic qualities which would help in alleviating the discomforting symptoms of scabies. It would produce a soothing effect on the skin and also lessen the itch caused due to these mites and their debris under the skins surface.