Absurdity of life and organic existence: Imbecile organicists! Absurd themselves!

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Absurdity of life and organic existence: Imbecile organicists! Absurd themselves!
Billions of individuals, nearly three billions very widely speaking, deny any metaphysical world and are materialist in attitude. All Marxists, or live under the ideology of Marxism, like China and North Korea and some other satellites lingering still under Marxism, along side the materialists, organists, atomists, mechanicists, reductionalists, believe in life as an organic being subject to matter only.
When death befalls humans then it is the end of all, no reincarnation, no return, no other life and no resurrection. The dead person disappears for ever. He or she perishes permanently. In this way, for the organicist, life has no other meaning nor any other dimension but life itself. Here, man is born, man is matured and becomes adult; he lives, he ages, and he, or she, perishes. No other dimension for life other than this end.
For the organicist, explaining a human being only by his organic body. The physical aspect becomes dominant, and all in all, identification for man. Man has no soul nor spirit. Man is a robotic machine that exists organically. Man being composed from organs only and there is nothing that has brought man into existence. There is no origin, there is no finality and hence no meaning none whatsoever.
Very wise and very intelligent organicists are. They explain everything related to man by an organic chemical analysis. Man is made out of atoms and these atoms are only material in nature. There is no need for explaining where did these atoms come from? There is no need to know who put the atoms of humans together.
Organicism is a simplistic theory of man's existence that only explain man's physical being. It does explain in any way how man came about, who put his atoms together and holds them together? It does not explain why man has such a form and color, has brain and will and motivations. It does not explain how man's systems of constituents function and why should they function.
No need to break one's nut over such stupid questions, for the organicist does not need explanations, being himself above explanations. In this way for the organicist life has no meaning and void of any purpose and hence it becomes odd and absurd. Samuel Becket, Jean Paul Sartre, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Kim Il Sung and some three billions imbeciles of organicists in the world today think in the same way.
They are not in need for a God to explain the presence and control of the universe. They do need to explain how our solar system came about nor who controls it as it is. They do need to explain how two million animal species came about with distinct features and life-span. They do not need to explain who is man, his origin, how come he is what he is, who put him here and what is he doing in this world?
These questions are tiring for them and hence dismiss them as superfluous. Organicists are already here and they might as well make the best of it. So God is rejected , religion is denied and any metaphysical aspect is not accepted. They are like all scientists, organicists believe only in what they can see and experience. Traces of them can be found in, Leucippus and Democritus, the Eleatic school of philosophy 5thc B.C.
These imbeciles forgot to explain the universe and are blind to the creator God who has ordained it as well as their miserable existence of absurdity.
Absurd they are born, absurdly shall they live and they shall face an absurd fire at the end of their absurd life. Surprise, surprise!
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Absurdity of life and organic existence: Imbecile organicists! Absurd themselves!