The recent news of abdominal etching using SmartLipo triplex came as a welcome surprise
to plastic surgeons as well as men aspiring to achieve a six pack abs. It is now easy to have a six pack without sweating and toiling in gyms. The latest and the most sophisticated body contouring device manufactured by Cynosure has demonstrated its capabilities to renowned plastic surgeons from all over the US.
The new variant of SmartLipo MPX with its unique features shows amazing capability in sculpting the body. Plastic surgeons first assess the condition of the patient and mark out horizontal and vertical lines on the abdomen. This acts as a guideline for removing superficial fat which subsequently results in the prominent outline of the abdominal muscles. Those who are physically fit and have relatively less fat in their abdomen are ideal candidates for this plastic surgery procedure.
SmartLipo Triplex makes optimal use of laser energy for liquefying fat and tightening the skin. It uses MultiPlex technology - an exemplary combination of three separate wavelengths (1440, 1064 and 1320 nm) that shows higher absorption of fatty tissue for enhanced results.
The high definition body contouring modality is distinguished for its safety. Its intelligent delivery systems SmartSense"" and ThermaGuide"" monitors skin temperature and controls energy so that patients don't sustain injury. It is a fast paced procedure which requires only local anesthetic. Patients experience little or no pain and recover in a few days' time.
Abdominal etching using SmartLipo Triplex is a shortcut for attaining an athletic type of look without having to work day in and day out. In the coming days one needn't be surprised to see a phenomenal increase in the number of people going in for abdominal etching.