Share: This is a follow on from the first article that I published
. ADD & ADHD This article is taken from Neways PrimeTime magazine No. 45. September - October 2002 and explains much about ADD & ADHD. Tony Dickinson shares his views and experiences with these ever increasing disorders. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder (ADHD) are ever-increasing problems and seem to be systematic of so-called sophisticated societies. However, the terms are frequently used loosely without any clear-cut diagnosis. The difference is primarily one of terminology but the most common "catch all" clinical diagnosis nowadays is ADHD. So, I will try to differentiate the two conditions. ADD is the term used for adult or a bright child who has a low attention span and fails to achieve his/her potential. All children tend to daydream on occasions but with these children the attention loss is very obvious and consistent. It significantly impairs their learning, literacy and numeracy and often results in them being labelled "thick" by their fellow pupils when in fact they may be very bright but struggling to overcome their handicap. Not surprisingly, their reaction is frustration-based and often gets them into scrapes. From then on, the child is often labelled by teachers as a troublemaker in spite of the growing awareness of the problem within the profession. ADHD is the term used for the children and adults who suffer from ADD symptoms but who are, additionally, very hyperactive (not just boisterous like most children). The core features are: 1) Distractibility 2) Impulsivity 3) Hyperactivity The diagnosis is only relevant if these behaviours are excessive, long-term and are pervasive. The problems must appear before the age of seven and last longer than six months. Furthermore, the behaviour must be seen to handicap at least two areas of the person's life e.g. school, home, work or social. So, rather than the usual stress-related behaviour, the hyperactivity frequently manifests as irrational behaviour of an almost psychotic nature. For instance, sufferers may lose all sense of danger to themselves or others and frequently they will undertake a course of action that they know will get them into trouble yet, compulsively, they will proceed irrespective of the consequences. For example, one of my patients children who suffered from ADHD set his younger sister's bedroom on fire after she accidentally stood on one of his toys and broke it! Fortunately, the fire was spotted quickly or the consequences could have been tragic. It appears that ADD/ADHD affects approximately 4% to 6% of children to a greater or lesser degree. These children's lives are blighted, fraught with frustration and, as a result, the lives of their siblings and parents can be nightmarish. Onlookers are often judgemental, as they perceive the child to be ill mannered and parents to be lacking control. Whereas, in reality, the child is virtually uncontrollable and this is not the result of poor parenting. Obviously, the problem involves the family, friends and school. Research using scanners has shown that the brains of those with ADHD have areas of low glucose uptake, suggesting that these areas are less active. Also, there is a familial link that may ultimately point to a genetic basis for the condition. The orthodox medical approach is to prescribe stimulants that paradoxically help the hyperactivity. This would appear to be due to the stimulating of the under-active parts of the brain but long-term use of the stimulants is controversial with children and, whilst in some cases it may be the only solution, in my opinion it should be a last resort or temporary holding approach whilst other courses of action are identified. Behavioural therapy is often a great value and as many of ADHD sufferers are cross lateral (e.g. right eyed, left-handed, right footed) or failed to crawl and, therefore, have underdeveloped and uninhibited reflexes, specialist reprogramming can be very effective. This is achieved, after extensive consultation to isolate the areas of the brain that are involved and the formulation of specific home exercises to rectify the neurological deficits. Many sufferers also have eye function abnormalities and some ophthalmologists dispense special glasses that can greatly help. This, like the cross laterality correction, may be due to reduced overload on the brain. Whatever the reason, the results are beneficial in many cases. My use of Neways products for ADHD includes: Maximol Scientific studies have shown that an amino acid (a protein) called Tyrosine may be helpful in treating ADHD. Tyrosine is used by the body to synthesise dopamine and norepinephrine, the two neurotransmitters believed to be deficient in ADHD. Maximol contains tyrosine, so in addition to providing good supplementary nutrition, it may also increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine available to the brain. These neurotransmitters affect the front lobes of the brain that control feelings and task focusing. However Maximol has an even greater role to play because iron, vitamins C, vitamins B3 and folic acid and necessary for the synthesis of these chemical messengers (often referred to as "feel good" chemicals) and these are all present. (Important: Maximol no longer contains Tyrosine, but Maximol has been improved since 2002 and my granddaughter still finds the same benefits from Maximol as children did back in 2002. Within two weeks of my daughter starting her on Maximol she won the head teachers award for the best child of the week. Previously she had never won the form teachers prize. I asked her what she had won it for and she told me it was because she had changed her attitude in class). Ingenious Research in Italy showed that patients with chronic senile dementia showed improvement representing backtracking of six years when put on phosphatidylserine. Where do we find this substance? - in Ingenious. However, Ingenious has other ingredients that are helpful with ADHD. E.g. centella Asiatica, a plant that improves peripheral circulation (remember the areas of poor circulation in the brain?) and also has the ability to promote mental calm; calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), which is necessary to produce acetylcholine and to convert fat and sugar into energy; and gingko biloba to increase peripheral circulation and bacopa monniera, an Indian Ayurvedic herb thought to have a direct effect in improving brain functions and increasing concentration and memory. In other words, it is packed with ingredients aimed at helping the brain to function to its potential. Omega 3 EPA A group of fatty acids derived from fish oils that support the body's maintenance of blood lipids. They are essential for the healthy cell membrane formation and optimum circulation. In addition, vitamin E has been added because of its antioxidant properties. EFA Recovery Plus EFA Recovery Plus combines a group of essential fatty acids. They are essential because the body needs themand cannot produce them on its own. The modern tendency to include children in low-fat diets may be one of the reasons for the increase in ADHD. There is no doubt that saturated fats can create health problems but likewise, absence of unsaturated fats also puts us at risk. The unsaturated fats are present in salmon, tuna, herring, avocados, some nuts and beans. These fats are needed to carry fat-soluble vitamins e.g. vitamins A, D, E and K through the bloodstream and are crucial for foetal brain development. Today's typical diet frequently does not include sufficient of this group of fats and EFA recovery plus is formulated to deal with this deficiency. Recent research into dyslexia has shown that EFA supplementation can dramatically reduce problems. The key ingredients are: 1) Alpha-lipoic acid essential for muscle energy. 2) Linoleic acid important for circulation, healthy vision, brain and nerve cells. 3) Alpha linolenic acid is converted into EPA and DHA. DHA is a major component of human brain tissue. 4) Gamma-linolenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandins essential for circulatory health. 5) EPA and DHA are two polyunsaturated fatty acids that support healthy circulation and nerve transmission. There are two ways of dealing with a medical problem: a) treat the symptoms; b) treat the cause. The approach using Neways products would be to look at the underlying possible nutritional causes and, using the highest quality supplements, give the body what it needs to function properly. In other words, even if there is a genetic defect discovered, the problem can be addressed by reducing brain overload to a level whereby functioning is restored. Common sense dictates that junk foods, lurid colourings and potentially toxic personal care products should be eliminated as these can only add to the bodys toxic overload. If the overload is shed, the brain will function nearer to optimum. The child will behave normally and the family and school will benefit. This is because the condition does not affect the child only, but can have a wide reaching impact on the community. Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of this approach is that the childs health overall will be improved. Taken from Neways Primetime magazine No. 45. September October 2002. Dear Editor, I thought I would write to let you know how pleased I have been with your products. In February I was introduced to Neways by my brother and his wife. I started taking Maximol as I had always taken various vitamins and this was a much better way of getting all the vitamins and minerals that I needed. I had also been struggling to lose weight and I have found with dieting and taking Maximol I have now lost most of the extra weight, which I had gradually gained over the last few years. Since February I have managed to lose a stone. I also heard that Maximol would help hyperactive children. I had always felt that my five-year-old son, Russell was hyperactive. He was really bad tempered, naughty and was not really achieving well at school. I decided I would try him with Maximol. Over a few weeks he seemed to change, his behaviour improved and he became so very loving. I feel I have a new child and wished I had heard of Maximol earlier in his life. When I visited his school to see how he was progressing, the teacher was really pleased, saying how well he was doing and that he was nearly ready to go into the mainstream class, as he had been going with a small group of children who needed extra help. The following term at school he moved up to year two and when I visited his new teacher she really surprised me telling me that Russell was in the highest achievers group, I was so proud, but also could not believe that over seven months he had gone from having extra help with his work to being so bright. I feel certain it is Maximol that has done this for him, and would like to thank Neways, and Paul and Elaine for introducing me to this product. Mrs Phillips. From Purton, near Wolverhampton. 25th of October 2001. Taken from Neways PrimeTime magazine No. 37. March April 2001. Dear Editor, After reading a testimonial in a previous PrimeTime, we decided to start our son Ben on Ingenious and Maximol as he was having serious behavioural problems at school and home, mainly because he was hyperactive. As Ben is only eight we decided to consult the products Department at Neways regarding the dosage. They advised me that he should have one Ingenious tablet and one capful of Maximol daily. Within weeks we noticed that he was a lot calmer and we saw improvements in his concentration and also the way in which he controlled his moods. After almost three months on this treatment Ben is improving at school and is a delightful child at home. He still can have a bad day, but the good days outweigh the bad ones. Joanna and Simon Payton. Taken from Neways Impressions magazine No. 30. October - December 1999. One happy little boy Dear Maggie, We are writing to thank you for introducing us to Neways (through Ann Adam, from Dundee, our sponsor). Our son Max is aged 16 months and has suffered from severe eczema since he was a few weeks all. As we were not prepared to follow our doctors advice (to bandage him from head to toe in wraps covered with cortisone and other steroid creams) we began looking for safe alternatives. Unfortunately the herbal creams and potions made for him didn't help at all. Next we tried a homeopath. Poor Max had to endure many different remedies. His reaction to some of these were extremely bad and his condition became much worse. With other remedies there was an improvement but unfortunately this couldn't be maintained for any length of time. We became resigned to the fact that the process of finding a suitable remedy for Max was going to be long and distressing. Then our friend, Ann Adam received a tape from you. She began using Neways products and informed us about them. Without hesitation, we knew we had to try them for Max. After listening to some tapes we couldn't wait to get started. It all made so much sense. Initially we gave Max the babys dose of one small teaspoon of Maximol Solutions and one crushed VMM daily. The results have been amazing. His skin is virtually free from eczema and he's had no bad reactions at all. Now he receives one small teaspoon of Maximol each day and his skin remains perfect. We tried three days without giving him Maximol and the eczema reappeared. Our whole family now use the products and we wouldn't consider using any other toothpaste, etc. We take Maximol and Revenol and our two older children take Orachel for Kids. Colin has a hairdressing business and is very impressed with the hair care range (as are many of his customers). He is constantly receiving enquiries about the company and now has a supply of tapes and information in the salon for the many interested clients. Thank you again Maggie. At the moment we feel the need to tell everyone how wonderful these products are already many of our friends and relations are interested. Anne and Colin Brunton P.S. We spent over 1,000 to try and cure Max and travelled hundreds of miles to visit many alternative practitioners. You can see from the pictures what a difference the Neways products have made. The before picture doesn't show Max at his worst. The eczema covered his whole body and his skin was so bad that I couldn't bring myself to take his photo. Taken from Neways Primetime magazine No. 59. March April 2005. Eczema, Psoriasis and Asthma My skin, from a very early age, as always suffered from severe dryness and eczema, but after an increasingly stressful period in my life had developed into psoriasis and was so bad that over and 18 month period I was referred to three different dermatologists, all of whom told me that there was very little they could do and yet, as I write this testimonial today, there is not a single patch of psoriasis anywhere on my body, and my skin is in the best condition of my life! However, this is not the result of using the hydrocortisone cream or petrol-based lubricant given to me by the doctors, no. After researching what these prescribed products really do to your skin I took the decision to stop using them. I found out that the cream the doctor gave me actually thins your skin and stops it from producing melatonin and therefore stops it from tanning (I discovered this after returning from a sunny vacation in Spain with various and unsightly white patches where the cream and been rubbed into my skin). I also learnt that whilst the petrol-based lubricant puts a film over my skin trapping in the moisture, it also stops the skin from breathing too...and as the skin is the largest organ of the body and brings in oxygen to the body just like the lungs this is not a good thing, not to mention that petrol helps to encourage cancer cells - why didn't the doctors tell me about these little facts? Luckily for me, my father introduced me to some very unique and, most importantly, safe toxin-free products from the worlds largest, privately owned manufacturer, a company called Neways. They suggested I purchase one of their Convert Your Bathroom packs and simply swapped over to their liquid laundry detergent. They also strongly recommended I supplement my diet with an easily absorbable mineral and vitamin liquid called Maximol Solutions together with their extremely powerful multi-oxidant called Cascading Revenol. They were more expensive than the prescription charges I had paid for from the doctor, but I felt much more reassured by the Seal of Safety their products had been granted from the Cancer Prevention Coalition. After just a couple of weeks my skin started to improve and by the end of six weeks, incredibly, my skin was 90% better. Miraculously, even though I was diagnosed with asthma, and nearly died from an asthma attack aged seven, and I've been hospitalised from it on several occasions since, after about six months of using Neways products I noticed one day that I had not used my inhalers. That was six years ago and today I am not only completely free of eczema and psoriasis but asthma too! Thank you Neways if only all sufferers of these dreadful diseases new about your products. Justin Burrows, Executive Cornwall Taken from Neways Primetime magazine No. 59. March April 2005. Earache I have been a regular sufferer of earaches for a long time and they can often be quite painful. But since I discovered that Eliminator Mouthwash is great for almost anything, I decided to try and use it for my earache! I use one spray directly into the ear and put some cotton wool in to keep it warm. I must say that it worked brilliantly and the next day no earache! Now I spray the Eliminator Mouthwash into both ears has a preventative measure, especially after swimming and it has worked a treat haven't had an earache in some time now. Brilliant. I would highly recommend this to use especially in children's ears with earache has we all know that ear drops from the pharmacy are full of harmful chemicals. Sonya Harnett, executive Co Kildare I found that the best way to see if natural remedies worked better than man-made pills was just to 1) sign up (It's FREE to sign up)using the link below. Then purchase a bottle of Maximol and acontainer of Revenol and just take the recommended dose for 3 months. Many people, me included realised in the first month that our aches and pains were almost gone. The sheer joy that brings, to get relief after suffering aching joints for more than 15 years cannot be put into words. As I say to people happy is too small a word. Or 2) sign up for FREE, thensend me an email and I can put you in touch with a Doctor who will have a chat and see if youneed any of the,approximately250 otherproducts that the company produces to help people overcome health problems. The company now sells over $750,000,000 (three quarters of a $billion) annually. If they didn't work, do you think we would buy from them again? The best sellers are Maximol and Revenol, these two together account for about 75% of sales because they help your body get in shape in order to repel many modern day ailments. Click on the link below sign up. It does not cost anything, then just explore the Neways site. Any problem, email me on
'' put Neways in the subject line and I will get back to you as soon as I am able too. All the best to your future health. I know mine is far better for using the products. Are you going to try them? Roy Neale To sign up for FREE please copy and paste the following into your browser. ADHD & ADD
By: Roy Neale
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