A knocked out tooth requires an Emergency Dentist

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There are many situations when you will be presented with a knocked out tooth. The simplest cause is when you bite into something too hard and the tooth gets pulled out and is loosened at its roots. Either way, you need an Emergency Dentist immediately because the tooth needs to be reattached as soon as possible for it to stay healthy in future. The main problem with a knocked out tooth is that along with the tooth the surrounding tissue including the nerve bundles and the blood vessels will be damaged. Though there is no possible method to repair the damage to the nerves and the blood vessels, the tooth can be replanted in such a way that the tissues re-grow around it helping to fix it permanently.
Though in most cases the knocked out tooth might come out so that the damage is apparent, there may be some cases when the damage isn't that obviously apparent. This can happen when the tooth isn't completely dislodged or when it is stuck deep into the gum. Both these situations can be dangerous and any bacteria present can lead to infection and tooth abscess subsequently.
Hence, it is important to recognize a tooth knockout and contact an Emergency Dentist immediately for the required treatment. You get knocked out tooth when there is an extremely hard physical contact over the tooth and the jaw area. This can be due to physical impact due to injury or an accident or it can be due to a fight or when involved in professional games. Whatever the reason after an extremely painful physical impact it is best to examine your teeth for any knock outs. The features of a partially knocked out tooth will be blood from unknown sources, cuts or wounds in and around the mouth, swelling in the jaw and finally discoloration of the knocked out tooth.
It case you have one or more of the above symptoms then you need to visit an Emergency Dentist urgently and get your teeth seen to. If your tooth is completely knocked out then you need to take some precautions while you are getting the required medical help. The knocked out tooth is best placed back in its place as this is the safest place for it to be. In case you find it impossible to replace it in its socket, then you need to place in some milk or in your saliva or in some water. The re-placement needs to be done in utmost an hour for the tooth to survive and regain its previous healthy status.
Once you successfully reach an Emergency Dentist the treatment begins. The dentist will try to replace the tooth to its original place after proper sterilization and after the areas around the wound are properly cleaned and disinfected. In case proper replacement wasn't possible, the replaced tooth fuses with the gum, when you need root canal treatment to make sure infection and tooth abscess are stopped.
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