99360 Is Payable, Provided the Rules Are Followed

Share: 99360 Is Payable, Provided the Rules Are Followed
CPT's E/M section covers only one code for standby time; however, limited choices doesn't mean that you will have guaranteed payments. Here are four areas our experts recommend so that you get your deserved payments:
Code based on availability and not care The first step in gearing up to submit a claim for standby service is to understand what you are reporting and what you are not. Code 99360 does not represent patient care; in fact, it represents availabilty.
Document three key factors Even though CPT includes a standby code, many payers don't reimburse for the service. Thorough documentation of your provider's service is paramount since you might be faced with an appeal. Here are three documentation tips when coding 99360 for standby care: 1. Another physician must request that your anesthesiologist makes herself available for standby time. You should have this request in writing, along with justification for why the other physician requests anesthesia standby. 2. The chart should contain a note by the anesthesiologist documenting that her service might be important. 3. Information about the anesthesiologist's involvement in the case.
Double check times and locations Time and location play important roles in being able to report standby service. Your anesthesiologist must be in attendance for standby for atleast 30 minutes and she must document that time. According to CPT Codesif the time is less than 30 minutes, you do not report it separately. However it is always a good idea to document patient care whether it is billable or not. To get more tips on ways to code for standby care so that you don't leave your claims hanging in the winds, sign up for a medical coding guidelike Supercoder!
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