8 Mostly Free Ways to Get Your Solo Practice Found Online

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1. Blog. If you do not have a blog, you are missing one of the best ways to promote your practice and get found online. Make a content plan for your topics and blog on a schedule. If you already blog, update some older posts or add a related posts section to your blog post.
2. Create a Facebook Fan Page for your practice. With over 4 million registered users, Facebook is the size of a country. Give your office some exposure with a Fan Page. Fan Pages are indexed by search engines. Connect your blog to your Fan Page to automate most of the page maintenance process.
3. Complete your business profile on Google Local Business Center. It seems that every week Google is adding helpful features, like reviews, to the Local Business Center. You will want to complete your profile and go through the verification process.
4. Subscribe to an autoresponder system so you can send emails that comply with federal laws. An autoresponder system will help you build an email list of potential, current and former clients. This is where you can create an opt-in box for your website or blog. This system is helpful for promoting your office and events that you hold for clients.
5. Learn to repurpose your content and materials to use online. As a professional you have plenty of information and materials in your files and in your head. Rework your old material for new purposes and promote your practice with repurposed online writing with the information from your existing files.
6. Use social media like Twitter and LinkedIn. Social media extends your reach. You can network with people from all over the world, but that's not the most important part of social media. Each short update is considered a webpage by search engines, just like blog posts. Writing just three updates each day results in almost 1100 new pages in the course of a year.
7. Hone in on who your Dream Client really is. Develop a detailed profile of the clients you love to work with - your dream clients. Delve deeper than the broad categories you have used in the past. "Women over 40" is not a detailed profile. Examine exactly who it is you want to serve in your practice. Those clients have a language all their own. You can use that language in your content and materials so that you speak to your dream clients. when you speak directly to your dream clients, they will respond.
8. Research and use appropriate keywords. Just like honing your dream client profile helps focus your writing efforts, having the right keywords for your website and blog will focus search engines' attention so you can get your practice found online.
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