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7 Passenger Hybrid

7 Passenger Hybrid

We convert your designs int high quality hand-coded

, cross-browser compatible, pixel perfect and W3C standards compliant XHTML/CSS markup.

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We can also implement your designs as themes, skins and templates for Magento, Joomla!, Interspire, Shopify, WordPress, Drupal, Bitrix and others.

XHTMLFactory is high-quality and fast service providing professional level conversion of designs into valid XHTML and CSS. Our team is formed by passionate web development professionals. We use latest web technologies in our web development process.

We focused on everything related to HTML coding. We handle it all - perfect coding, Javascript, AJAX, cross-browser compatibility, optimizations, accessibility and CMS template integration.

We are confident that you will be satisfied with our services and we back it up with a 100% money back guarantee. If either one or more of our promised standards are not met, we would refund your money.

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As the modern web trends go, jQuery has become the front runner in bringing the client side Javascript to a common platform. But will it be able to bring the same level of success when it comes to mobile where there's a gaping gap for a common platform ? As a bunch of developers interested in mobile apps we certainly do hope so.

Following major announcements from Sencha Touch and jQTouch, the jQuery team has piped up: announcing jQuery Mobile. How the jQuery Mobile project differs from projects like jQTouch is the way in which it aims support a range of devices. This can only be achieved by making use of a unified design approach.

To keep things simple, we charge by the page. A new page is any page that uses a different layout or contains different content. Just count them up when you place your order. Multiple page orders are automatically discounted. Software implementation costs are calculated relative to the desired turnaround time.

If we come across an unusually complex layout, implementation and/or custom scripting requirements or other anomaly, we contact you immediately if additional work will be required at our end to deliver the results.

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7 Passenger Hybrid

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7 Passenger Hybrid