» Auto Insurance » 7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs
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7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs

7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs

In these financial difficult times, you would want to cut back on anything you could save on

. There are necessities that you have no choice but to spend on like your basic needs, food, clothing, and shelter. And then, there are your everyday expenses for transportation, communication, and maybe a little leisure. While you cannot help but spend for these expense items, there are ways through which you can actually shave a little off the cost of these expense items. Take the case of auto insurance. You cannot go around driving without auto insurance. You have to purchase life insurance if you want to be able to use your car. But, you need not be pray to companies offering high premiums. Keeping in mind 7 easy ways to slash your auto insurance costs could come in handy as you go about getting quotes.

Here are 7 easy ways to slash your auto insurance costs:

1.Choose an insurance-friendly car. There are certain cars that are more costly to insure than others. Cars that are less costly to repair or those that have been found to be least likely to figure in accidents have lower premiums. Sports cars and SUVs with high incidences of crashes, collisions, and rollovers are more expensive to insure. If you have not already bought your vehicle, choose to purchase a safe family sedan to cut costs on your insurance premiums.

2.Install safety and anti-theft devices. Car insurers take note of the kind of measures you have taken to protect your car and your passengers. Cars fitted with security alarms or immobilizers can enjoy lower premiums. Your car insurer will also ask you whether or not you have a garage to park your vehicle in. The availability of an off-road parking space could slash your premiums.7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs

3.Increase your deductible. In all auto insurance policies, there is what is called as a deductible amount or excess charges that the insured will have to shoulder before the insurance policy kicks in. Adjusting this amount will also reduce or increase your auto insurance premiums. The higher the deductible amount, the lower the premiums.

4.Choose to pay annually. Insurance companies usually extend discounts for customers who pay annually. More frequent payment installments like monthly or quarterly are subject to a modal factor that results in a slightly higher premium.

5.Limit the drivers included in your policy. The more drivers are included in your auto policy, the more risks the insurer takes on. This is because the insurer considers the driver with the highest risk profile in determining the insurance premiums.

6.Keep your driving record clean. Drivers with previous driving infractions or traffic violations are given higher premiums. Being careful on the road is a sure way of cutting back on your insurance costs.

7.Shop around for the best deal. The best way to find the best deal is to get quotes from a number of insurance providers. Carefully examine each quote to make sure that you are comparing them using the same parameters. Always get the one that will give you the most benefit with the least amount of premiums.

by: Gen Wright
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7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs