5 Things You Can Stop Doing To Instantly Lower The Cost Of Your Car Insurance
Share: If you're a car owner, you'll no doubt be aware that there are dozens upon dozens
of different factors which affect how much your car insurance premium is going to be.
Some of the factors are straightforward to understand, whilst others are a little more complex to work out how they can have such an impact on the price of the premium.
If you're finding it a struggle to find a cheap car insurance policy, have a look through the following 5 points. They are all things that you may have been doing in the past, not knowing that they were having an impact upon your policy, when the truth is they all have a substantial effect on the price of car insurance premiums.
1. One of the easiest bad habits to break is to stop leaving your car outside at night. Insurance companies look at how responsible their policy holders are in various different respects, but most notably how security conscious they are.
Share: If you have previously left your car outside all night, especially leaving it on the road, start putting it in a locked garage - preferably one with an alarm - and let your insurance know straight away for a reduction on your premium.
2. It is worthwhile considering stopping driving any unnecessary miles, as the more miles you cover, the greater your car insurance premiums will be.
The way that insurance companies link together mileage and premium price increases is simple - the more miles that you drive each year, the more time you are spending on the road, which means that you have an increased risk of being involved in an accident of some sort. Reduce the amount of miles you plan to cover and you instantly reduce the likelihood of being involved in an accident, which in return reduces the cost of your premium.
3. If you're finding that you're struggling to get accepted for credit cards or loans, chances are you've got a poor credit history and unfortunately, this is also going to affect your ability to get an affordable car insurance policy.
Although it's surprising to hear, improving your credit rating is something which is relatively easy - or at least possible - with enough thought and time.
For instance, take out a credit card, irrelevant of what interest rate it has and spend something on it. Make sure that you pay it off straight away and apart from not incurring any interest, you'll also instil confidence in the credit card issuer that you can make repayments, which instantly increases your credit rating.
Share: 4. If you have a Fully Comprehensive policy and take this level of cover out purely because it is the most in-depth, take a look at how much you actually use your car and whether a policy that offers less coverage would be more suitable, as this could reduce your premium cost by hundreds of pounds.
Third Party, Fire and Theft, for example, is often a particularly suitable option for those drivers who use their car for nothing more than a short commute to and from work, outside of peak hours and who keep their car in a locked garage at all times when it is not in use.
5. Stop choosing unpopular car brands is something that will help see your premiums be reduced. For example, if you are trying to insure a new car you've bought from VW dealers, you're going to find it easier to get affordable premiums than a model from GMC. This is simply because VW dealers are much more common in the UK, meaning any parts that are needed for repairs should an accident occur are easier to source and are therefore cheaper.
by: Steve Carr
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5 Things You Can Stop Doing To Instantly Lower The Cost Of Your Car Insurance Copenhagen