I understand there are many ways to make money online
. I also understand that more people are sitting in front of a computer, or smart phone, wanting to make money at home then ever before.
It is hard to make money, but simple to figure out how. Here are 5 simple things you should know.
1. A way. I make money writing, with affiliate marketing and network marketing, continuity programs, email marketing, selling ads on my sites, and so on.
You only need one way to get started. What is it going to be?
2. A will. How bad do you want it?
Some of you are forced into trying to find a way to make money online because you are unemployed or underemployed. Some of you would like to quit your job and make money at home.
It is going to require sacrificing something on your part. That is probably going to be a sacrifice in terms of time and money to figure all this out.
3. A skill. Most people make money online doing Internet marketing of some form.
Internet marketing takes skills. You need at least one marketable skill if you are going to make money.
4. Internet access. If you are going to make money on the Internet you need to be able to long online somewhere.
I've seen people sit at computers in a library and make money. I have watched people access their smart phone and make money.
You can set up a home office and work uninterrupted. You can set up a portion of a room and convert it into a home office and make money. Where you do it is not really important as long as you have access to the Internet.
5. A way to get paid. For most of us that means getting paid via Pay Pal. This is free to set up and they are the largest online payment processor in the world.
An alternative to that is to get set up with Alert Pay. Some people who are unhappy with PayPal prefer to be paid with them.
Some programs such as affiliate marketing and network marketing pay via check or direct deposit. Some pay with a debit card and this works well in countries outside the United States.
Making money online is hard until you get going at it. Once you understand the basic concepts it comes down to which way you choose to make money and then implementing your strategies.
This is actually pretty simple to do. That is why you see so many people making money from home or anywhere they have Internet access.