If you are hosting your online handmade shop versus having one setup on an online marketplace such as Etsy.com or Artfire.com then here are few must haves to include on your web site to help you convert more visitors to buyers!
Shopping Cart even if you are using Paypal Buy buttons, make sure your shopping cart and buy buttons are easily visible. If the handmade you have for sale is not shown on the very first page, make sure to have a link or button that says something like "Shop Handmade Here". Also make sure to include a similar link on the main menu of your site.
Have an "About Me"page that states who you are as a designer and why your handmade is one of kind and simply the best! Make sure to include where you are located. Share enough to make your shoppers feel comfortable enough to buy from you.
Shipping Fees breakdown your shipping fee and note your estimated shipping time, special days you ship if any, and whether or not you ship internationally.
A Return Policy that is easy to locate and explains in detail what your requirements are.
An email so you can be contacted with questions or a phone number, preferably 1-800.
The above are all must haves that should be included in your handmade shop, along with fantastic pictures of your handmade and great, precise descriptions that include measurements.
After you have double checked your site and have added the above must haves, then we invite you to add your handmade shop to the virtual craft show on HandmadeCraftShow.com.