Any how to get pregnant tips should start with a quote from Shakespeare to thine own self be true
. For a woman with plans on getting pregnant this translates simply into one piece of advice-
Tip 1 Know Your Body
To maximize your chances of getting pregnant you need to know your own body thoroughly. This will involve being certain of your time of ovulation and this can be calculated by the Basal body temperature technique which involves taking the temperature of your vagina every morning with a special thermometer called a BBT thermometer.
The higher the reading on this thermometer the better the chances of conceiving are and you should ensure that you engage in sex at this time. Keeping a diary of your temperatures with this thermometer will ensure that you are having sex at the optimum time. Share:
Tip 2 Ovulation Prediction Kit
This tip leads on from tip one as there are ovulation prediction kits which will help you identify with great accuracy when you will next ovulate. These pregnancy kits can include such products as watches that monitor the sweat on your arms to ferning microscopes. A ferning detecting microscope will allow you to monitor vaginal secretions.
Tip 3 Stay Healthy
It is vital to ensure that you are healthy when trying to get pregnant. This will involve regular exercise, plenty of water, reduced caffeine intake, reduced alcohol and generally looking after yourself and eating healthily.
Tip 4 Reduce/Eliminate Stress
It is important to ensure that your stress levels are reduced and at a minimum to ensure that you have the best chance of conceiving. Regular exercise combined with some fertility Yoga will do the trick here and ensuring that you avoid, if you can, stress in your work and at home will maximize your chances of getting pregnant when you choose.
Tip 5 Talk With Your Partner
Discussing your desire and ambition to become a mother with your partner can be overlooked. He is clearly important(and necessary) to the successful outcome of you becoming a mom and whilst men do not talk about these things as openly as women, it is important that he is relaxed and stress free when you are trying to get pregnant. It is well known that stess that he may be feeling from work or other concerns may reduce his sperm count and fertility.
For this reason you need to ensure that he is at his ease, relaxed and is fully involved in the decision and process of your getting pregnant.Clearly it is also important that he is fully committed and is not hiding or concealing any stress he may be feeling from you or from work or other areas of his life.
Talking regularly about it is vital and most of all, make it an enjoyable experience and have fun!
by: Terry Bassinet
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:14