5 Creative Ideas for Getting Kids Off the Couch and Active

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Straining to come up with ways to get your kid off the couch and out of the house? While it can be a chore with the temptation of higher-tech activities that devour their concentration and ambition, it's all about coming up with some activities that will capture their imagination. And with the huge imagination a child has, all you need is a big enough net.Get creative--here are 5 ideas to help you get started on coming up with your own.1. Create ContestsKids are naturally competitive without all the drama that adults have developed over the years. In most cases, they are good losers but naturally driven to win, and if they are sore losers, it's best they learn to cope with that early on anyways. One great way to get kids moving around is to create contests. These can be between them and other kids or between you and them.2. Set Up an Obstacle CourseSetting up an obstacle course can provide loads of fun--when I was a kid, we used to even do this in the house. If you've got a particularly big yard, the course can go anywhere and force the course runner to do just about anything, or if your yard is smaller, wooden playsets makes for a great course. Another great idea is a foot race set up with the neighborhood kids--another big one when I was growing up.Create a prize for incentive. Use your imagination, and make it fun.3. Put on a Scavenger HuntThink about the look on all the kid's faces during an Easter egg hunt and it makes you wonder why we just do something like that once a year. How about a scavenger hunt around the yard and/ or home?4. Make Work FunKids usually hate doing their chores, but it's important to teach them good work ethics from an early age, and it's also a great way to stay active. Make work fun by putting on some music and getting them to dance around and play while cleaning the house with you. Have a water fight while washing the cars together. Work doesn't always have to be a bummer, and being active doesn't always have to mean a full sprint.5. Purchase a PlaysetA small playground setup in your yard is a great way to encourage activity. Think about throwing together a trampoline, a playset, some swings, and some active equipment like hoola hoops and badminton sets. Suddenly, you've got a small recreation area and you'll be dragging the kids back in the house for dinner rather than trying to shoo them outside.What other ideas can you think of to get your kids moving around? This article is really just the beginning and there are plenty of ways if you use your own imagination.
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