In this article we will look at 4 ways you can make money from a blog
. You may have heard of starting a blog, but do not understand exactly how it works, so let's take a look at that right now.
1. You are better off to host your own blog and use the blogging platform provided by WordPress. If this is not something you can do right away you can also join which is owned by Google.
You will want to join the Google Adsense affiliate program and put Google ads on your blog. One benefit of joining blogger when you first start is they approve you faster for their affiliate program so they can get the ads on your blog.
How much money will you earn from these ads? Google will pay you anywhere from a few pennies to several dollars every time someone clicks these ads. There are people earning full-time incomes and more just from Google.
2. Join affiliate programs and place banners on your blog. Every time someone purchases of product from the merchants in your banners you make money.
Affiliate programs are free to join and the merchant already has the banners for you to place on your blog. These are coded with your affiliate ID so you get credit for every sale you make.
3. Place text link affiliate ads in the body of your blog articles. This is similar to promoting with banners except the text link ads are what your website visitor will click on.
Again these are coded with you your affiliate ID numbers so you get credit for every sale. By placing these in-line in the body of the article statistics show that people will click on them naturally as they are reading the article. This makes it an easy way to get traffic to your affiliate sites where you can make more sales.
4. Sell advertising directly companies. As your blog reaches a high traffic level there is value in it to companies who are looking for ways to get their message out to the public.
When you hear about people earning five and six figure incomes from their blog many of them do nothing more than sell advertising as their only income stream. Doing it this way it allows you to concentrate on creating good content and promoting your blog and you do not have to worry about sales.
In conclusion these are four ways to make Money on the Internet with your own blog. Starting a blog in a niche that appeals to you makes blogging more fun and you will enjoy the money as well!