4 Seo Techniques To Build An Online Presence
Planning to build an online presence? Then you've got to learn some basic SEO techniques
. Having knowledge on the complex forms of programming and web development is ideal for a great online presence. However, SEO is about simplicity, and earning an online presence rather entails basic SEO techniques.
Learning how to make your site SEO friendly is not as complicated as memorizing complex languages, codes, taxonomies, and algorithms. It is about customizing it to make your site visible to the search engines and its bots. In fact, most of these techniques are already familiar.
If you are an individual who is about to start, then these 4 SEO techniques might just be perfect. These are simple SEO techniques that have been proven to bring tremendous traffics to sites.
1) Try making an original and unique content for your site every time (then try incorporating keywords).
The key here is to update regularly. Sites which are regularly tweaked are the priority of search engines. Of course, the content also has to be stuffed with some keywords (in this case, there must be some keyword research done). One of the many strategies is to look for hot searches in search engines (e.g. Google trends). However, if you have a proven strategy, then keep using it. Just make sure that your site always have new and fresh content.
2) Have your articles published in article directories.
This should not take much of your time. What makes this advantageous among other SEO techniques is that, there's no need to directly advertise your products and services. Just remember to insert a link in a certain word that will lead to your site when clicked (e.g. anchor texts in Ezine).
3) Start a blog if you still do not have one (or as an interactive site for your products and services if you already have a domain).
It has become one of the popular SEO techniques, ever. Most blog hosting sites are free, and it would be very ideal to post fresh and unique contents there, aside from having them submitted to article directories. Make sure too, that all the contents there are related to your products and services.
4) Sign up and participate in social bookmarking or social networking sites.
All kinds of users in the World Wide Web gather here, thus, making it easier to market your products and services in a very cool and friendly approach. Bookmark your sites link in any of the social bookmarking or social networking site- this way, there will be a great chance for your site to be visited by multitudes in just a blink of an eye. What"s more interesting in this SEO technique is, you will be able to interact not only with your regular clients, but also with the prospect ones.
Are these SEO techniques difficult to accomplish? If you have been a long time Internet user, then this should not be difficult anymore. Having your site get a lot of traffic entails patience, time, a little amount of money (in some cases), and lastly, the basic SEO techniques such as content writing, article submission, blogging, social networking or social bookmarking.
by: SEOP
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