4 Halloween Costumes for Guys

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4 Halloween Costumes for Guys
Halloween is celebrated by young and old. There are only a few more weeks to go before Halloween, so you should already start thinking what to you should wear.
Let's bring the spotlight to our beloved men this time. Just like women, men love to play dress up too. Throughout the years, these costumes don't only to revolve on something frightening or scary anymore. Super heroes, villains, famous celebrities, anime characters and the latest blockbuster movies are extremely popular these past few years. If you're still haven't found that perfect costume this Halloween, here are some ideas to help you out.

Share: Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland
Mad Hatter was Johnny Depp's most recent role and Alice in Wonderland was a blockbuster hit. To prepare for your Mad Hatter Costume, you will need and oversized black hat just like what he is wearing and tie a red or maroon ribbon around it. Cut off a white cardboard paper and write 10/6 on it then tucked into the band of the hat. You will also need a brown or dark jacket, a solid brightly color shirt, a pair of checkered or brightly colored pants, a polka dot bow and a black shoes. Complete the look with false big overbite teeth, as the Mad Hatter is known, red wig or just pray your hair, and make-up.
Hugh Hefner
Want the ladies to take their clothes off for you this Halloween? Be the founder of the Playboy magazine. It's easy to be "Hef". His signature outfit is a velvet robe with a black silk collar lining. Put on your black silk pants, shiny black shoes and get yourself a pipe. And don't go to any party without your most important accessory: just like the mogul, bring with you at least 3 Playboy playmates to be your escort.
Chick Magnet
Think you got what it takes and that you really are a "Chick Magnet"? Here's how you can be one. Wear a grey clothing or sweat suit just like the color of a magnet. Write a sign that says "Chick Magnet" and pin it to your shirt. Finish it off by pinning lots of female dolls all over your outfit.
Joe Six Pack
If you don't have the body to flaunt, you can be Joe Six Pack. Here are the things that you will need to prepare these: a blue overall and a white t-shirt, six empty cans or bottle of beers, and a pair of workman boots. Draw a faux muscular six-pack on your belly and tie together your six cans of bears on top of every pack. To make it even more dramatic, carry with you a photo of Sarah Palin.
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