As you develop your personal financial plan and build better credit and wealth
, you'll want to make a wise credit card comparison to decide with cards are the best for you. Not all cards are created equal so a credit card comparison will reveal which ones you should keep in your wallet. Here are the fundamental differences between cards:
Credit Card Comparison: What's the purpose? Cards are designed with a purpose. Some are balance transfer; some are for rewards or frequent flier miles. Choose a card and use it for that purpose.
Credit Card Comparison: What are the interest rates? Some cards are low interest rate or even zero interest rate cards under certain circumstances. Know what those circumstances are! Also, ask the credit card provider to lower your interest rates if at all possible.
Credit Card Comparison: What is the payback requirement? Some credit cards require that you pay the entire balance immediately while others will simply charge you interest on unpaid amounts over time and you can pay it back as you are able. Paying back your cards immediately will usually reduce the amount of interest that you pay.
Credit Card Comparison: What are the additional benefits? No fee credit cards are bare bones while annual fee credit cards sometimes offer something extra. Compare that extra feature and figure out if it is something that will be helpful for you. If you only need a basic credit card, get the bare bones card. If you need the extras then the annual fee might be a preferable choice.
Credit cards play an important part of your financial plan. However, not all cards are created the same and you should do a diligent credit card comparison to know what the differences are so you can find the right card for you.