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3 Ways to Increase Cash Flow

3 Ways to Increase Cash Flow

Maybe someone can't afford your $1,000/month private coaching session

, but they can afford a $497 home study program in 3 easy payments. Maybe they can only afford your $47 audio program about creating information products. People at all income levels want to better themselves each and every day. Never lower your prices. Offer your products at several price points to meet more demand for your information. Audio products are a great way to boost your income, and depending on the length, you can create an audio program in less than 2 hours. For more information about how to create your own audio program, click here to get a copy of my interview with Mike Stewart (he's the king of audio programs), plus my complete step-by-step guide to creating audio programs and a few other bonuses.

3. Decrease your expenses.

The easiest (and yet hardest) way to increase your cash flow is to decrease your expenses. Take a look around your house, your garage and your business. Where is your biggest drain on income? Do you really need that extra jet ski for when your friends come over? Have you replace those energy draining appliances lately? Do you really need to expense a $5.00 extra light latte every morning? Little expense add up as quickly as big ones do if you're not careful. I'm not telling you to deprive yourself, but really think about how you're spending your hard earned money.

3 Ways to Increase Cash Flow

By: Jenna Drew
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3 Ways to Increase Cash Flow