3 Quick and Easy Ways to Make $1000 a Week Online (Without Spending a Dime on Traffic)
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Who else wants to learn how to make real money online? Are you sick and tired of being lied to? Of being deceived, duped and disappointed? If you are like most of the people who enjoy our articles about EASY online wealth creation, the simple truth is that you are just FED UP.
But...I want you to do me a favor.
Imagine being able to generate a veritable AVALANCHE of traffic to any site, service or offer...and NOT having to pay a dime to do it.
Imagine having your PICK of highly qualified, fresh leads that are already interested in your offer...BEFORE they arrive at your site.
Imagine being able to build a BOOMING business on the broad back of FREE traffic......without ever relying on shady tricks or techniques that will NEVER work (nor make you feel good inside even if they did)
The truth is, I've mastered a very specific traffic generation strategy that I call content marketing...and the very best part is just about ANYONE reading this right now can do what I'm about to lay out for you.
Why should you believe me? I've written over 5,000 (yes thousand..:-) pieces of unique content that have generated MILLIONS of readers, tens of thousands of subscribers in many different niches and an empire of blogs, web sites and affiliate product promotions that you can COPY...simply using the 3 simple techniques below.
Ready? Here are my top 3 ways to generate a 4 figure WEEKLY income using nothing but free traffic derived ENTIRELY from content marketing methods. And remember, you ONLY need to make about $150 a day to get to that number, which may FEEL like a lot right now, but it's not...and you CAN do it if you follow through.
1 - Root Level Redirection: Pick ONE high EPC product (I like an EPC of 80 or above if you are using one of the main affiliate networks like CJ) and simply install a root level re-direction that forwards the visitor from YOUR offsite content directly to the vendors landing page, with your cookie.
This works very, very well for a whole hodge podge of different products...and "free trial" offers can often convert at 3 or 4% using this approach. (and usually pay out 35 dollars PLUS per sign up...which adds up hyper fast)
2 - One page review sites: I love this approach, and this WILL convert better than the root level re-direction above...PLUS you get the added benefit of search engine optimization and natural traffic from natural search as well. (rather than just from the content directories themselves...which is pretty much where you're going to be limited in our first example)
The key? Simply expand your product selection to 3 products, rather than one! Very easy...and while the actual click through rates are going to be less....you will probably make MORE money using this approach for sure.
3 - Relationship Marketing: Build a list. Build rapport...and relationships. And then sell your OWN suite of services. Become a coach. Or consultant. Personal services is the absolute BEST way to make a fortune online that endures in value...and won't disappear if the products you're promoting come down. (as CAN happen in our first two examples, and can also be a pain in the rear end AND your bank account when it does)
You can make 3, 4 or even 500 dollars a day as a coach, often taking whatever you are MOST personally passionate about into perpetual piles of profit...AND making it happen in a hurry!
Now Pay Close Attention --
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3 Quick and Easy Ways to Make $1000 a Week Online (Without Spending a Dime on Traffic) New York City