3 Kids National Standard Will Be Officially On August 1 Implementation

Share: According to statistics, 16 children under the age of about 3 million
, of which nearly 100 million urban and rural more than 200 million. Experts predict that in the future birth rate of newborns each year will maintain a high level of growth, the number of newborns in 2010 will reach its peak. The next ten years, children's wear market, consumer demand will show a steady upward trend. Huge market demand to stimulate children's clothing market, branding, segmentation, but also to the quality and safety of children's clothing, especially children's clothing in the standard system of building a higher demand. "Considering the technical standards for Chinese clothing with international standards, against foreign technical trade barriers in developed countries such pressing needs, the National Standardization Technical Committee apparel standardization work has gradually shifted to Environmental protection , Safety and health standards. At present, China Kids Safety Standards Series, the overall level of synchronization with the international children's wear main safety indicators, safety testing methods have reached international advanced level. "Hsu Kam said.
3 Kids National Standard Will Be Officially On August 1 Implementation
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3 Kids National Standard Will Be Officially On August 1 Implementation Amsterdam