3 Easy Ways To Start Making Extra Money
Share: The concept of working from home is a popular one
. Where most people have a weekday routine that is almost entirely governed by their work, the individual with a job that allows them to work from home has a great deal more freedom. Here are 3 easy ways to start making more money at home.
1.Making Money On Ebay:
Register with eBay is a good way to begin and browse through the various auctions and see what's selling and what's not. There are many tutorials, books and audios you can purchase (some of them are free) if you're serious about making money on eBay.
The beauty of selling on online auctions is that it's inexpensive to get started and test a product. Throw it out there and see how many buyers bite. If it's a flop, try something else and you've only lost a few cents. eBay offers many ways to research a product to see what an item has sold for and how many have sold. If there's no demand for your product, find something else.
Be honest about the things you're selling and point out any flaw it may have. If you make a mistake, admit it and make it good. Your reputation as a seller is at stake. A good digital picture of the item will reveal most flaws and will boost your sales. Most of the time on eBay the first picture is free and you can add others for a small fee.
When you sell an item, communicate with your buyer and ship promptly. Say thank you and that you'd appreciate receiving a good feedback and you'll do the same. Selling on eBay one item at a time or in volume in an eBay store is an excellent way to make easy extra money and maybe even a small fortune...at least a good living.
2.Have A Garage Sale:
Garage sales are a fun way to make some extra money, get rid of old stuff you no longer use and help the environment by recycling. But, to have a successful garage sale it takes hard work and planning. It's easier if you involve your family. Many hands make light work, you know.
Don't have a garage sale on a holiday weekend. Try to pick a weekend that good weather is forecast. Too hot or too wet can ruin your chances of making money. Display merchandise attractively. Don't pile everything on top of each other where customers have to waste time digging.
Place a few interesting items near the roadway. Light music is okay but not too loud. Guard your money and watch for shoplifters. Most people are honest and rarely is there a problem. By the way, have plenty of change on hand along with plenty of bags for purchased items.
When the sale is over count your money and take down any signs you've put in people's yard or on the roadways. Remember as the old saying goes, "One man's trash is another person's treasure." Almost everyone, rich and poor, spends money at garage sales.
3.Turn Your Hobby Into a Career.
Turn your special interest or hobby into a career. Perhaps you could start out converting your hobby into a money making venture while continuing your present job. Many times what you're enjoying as a pastime could become a good second income or more.
If you like making jewelry, sell it at an on-line auction or craft fair. Or, use your jewelry expertise to become a jewelry salesperson at a local store and perhaps advancing to a jewelry buyer or repair person.
Writing presents many opportunities and you can do this at home or anywhere you have a laptop. You may not get rich as a travel writer but it offers many perks of sometimes traveling and eating for free.
Entrepreneurs who sell things on line are always looking for good ghostwriters to write interesting articles and sales letters. Good copywriters are always in demand to work from home or at an advertising agency.
Talents such as dancing, gardening or being good with animals all offer many opportunities to transform these hobbies into moneymakers or job changers. Check the ads to see if jobs are being offered in these related fields. Getting a better job takes time and effort. But, if you're not happy with your current place of employment it will be worth it. It's up to you to get the job search ball rolling.
by: Annette Lode
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