I assure you, no matter who you are, you can use the following techniques to make some extra money for Christmas. The first thing I want to talk to you about is having a garage sale. Most people associate a garage sale with the summer, but there is no reason why you can't have a pre-Christmas garage sale. This is the time of season where people are in the spending mood. They have their wallets in hand and they are just looking for a place to spend some cash. So look around your house and find all the things you no longer want. I'm sure you can find tons of stuff. Put price stickers on them, put them out in the yard and watch people start snatching stuff up. If done right, you could easily walk away from a garage sale with about $500 or more in cold hard cash. Now the second technique I want to talk to you about is basically the same thing except for this time you will be selling your stuff online. Selling your stuff online has many benefits. The biggest one is the fact that you have access to millions of people with the push of a button. You have access to more eyeballs which means your stuff has a greater chance of selling. And don't think for a second its too expensive to sell your stuff online. You can post your items on several classified ad sites for free. The biggest problem would be if you had large items that needed to be shipped. Other than that, selling online is a great way to make some extra money for Christmas.