You have made the decision to purchase a new or existing franchise then quickly realize that basic question - How do you finance your franchise investment.Money or funding as quickly becomes a top priority and your ability to successfully finance your investment in your new business will ultimately play a large part in your success or failure in your new role as a Canadian entrepreneur. For non- financial people, those not trained or comfortable...more
Many would-be visitors ask what is the climate in Koh Samui and best time to visit for a holiday? A general response is that the climate is idyllic and can be enjoyed at any time of the year. A more exact answer requires knowledge of an individual's vacation preferences.Many consider the best time to visit for a holiday in Koh Samui is between December and June. But, as temperatures can vary between 25 and 40 degrees Celsius over...more
To Live Fully in Joy by Parisha TaylorCreator's love for Man is not easily described. To live fully in Joy, is Creator's plan for us.I recall days in the meadows and gardens when the buzz of the bees and flying Ones hummed through visits to the flowers and trees. Evenings of a chorus of Feathered and Winged Ones settling in for the night. Then Silence pervades…only to be invaded by the throaty voices of the tree frogs and marsh people's songs. The rising and ebbing credenzas of the crickets and frogs, with a distant Hoot from Grandfather Owl, all orchestrating the Night Songs of my youth.Nature gives us this connection, and intimacy with ourselves and Creator. This knowledge is common to Cherokees. We know every animal, and Being knows the main purpose of life is to enjoy and live fully all of the time of life we are given.So feelings are important to us and how we live our days. The first thing we consider is how we feel…but feelings are constantly changing. So we soon learn to awaken each day with meaningful matters, like Sunrises and singing of the glory of a new day. Our emotional state is ours to manage, and to be with like minded community is the connection...more
Virgin Blue is on a major revamping spree and has come out with certain major policy decisions. One of its biggest steps has been the partnership of V Australia with Etihad Airways. V Australia is Virgin Blue's full service international arm. This partnership will be submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for...more
If you are one of the many people living in the USA who enjoys travel as a hobby, or are required to fly for business purposes, finding the cheapest flight tickets to India may prove to be challenging. There is a growing population of residents in the US, who have family still residing in India, and finding the cheapest flight tickets to India may...more
Shiatsu massages relax the body using fingers and palm of one's hand to apply pressure only to particular sections or pressure points on the surface of the body. This helps to correct body imbalances and promotes overall health. Shiatsu reduces stress and can even alleviate nausea and vomiting. It improves blood circulation and boosts the immune system. It can treat conditions like diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Many women turn to shiatsu for menstrual as well as menopausal problems because it gives a more natural treatment for the problem and doesn't involve heavy medication which could cause many side effects. These massages have been known to cure chronic pain, arthritis, migraines, anxiety, depression, backaches as well as insomniaPeople today believe in caring for their bodies and pamper it. There is no doubt that life in today's world is very stressful and if the body is relaxed, productivity increases and that means a person can perform better. Many people work over 12 hours in the day and hardly catch up on rest and relaxation. For such powered up individuals, it is now possible to buy products like...more
Muitos jovens que decidem fazer uma mudança internacional, por conta de um intercâmbio estudantil, pensam em fazer sua mudança para países, como Estados Unidos, Londres, Austrália e Canadá. Se você pensa em fazer uma mudança...more
An Old Woman and Her Granddaughter by Parisha TaylorOn a mountain, in a forest, there sat an Old Woman and her Granddaughter… They await the Sunrise. The valley and meadows below them are covered by a blanket of mist. Each tree and...more
Grandmother Rainmaker's Wisdom by Parisha Taylor"….. you may move away from the light and shadow may fall on you. This is life and its trends that weave throughout our minds constantly. This is the testing and forming of life and our...more
While sometimes it is obvious where to find cheap real estate, the trick is to find cheap and good real estate that will offer a nice lifestyle and a reasonable return on your financial and time investment. In Mexico, there are a few...more
OF WHAT AUTHORITY DO WE JUDGE ANOTHER? by Parisha Taylor(A response from Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha when challenged by others for teaching non-Natives, of her Native Grandmother's ways.)There is only love. Man is basically good. Hear that...more
You are heading for the pool later this week and it is essential that you start looking cool laying back on the waters while sipping on a glass of cocktail - it is time for you to acquire the service of a foam pool float. You have seen one of these...more