6 Sound Banking Principles from the Folks Who Should Know the Banking Industry!In these hard times it can be challenging to consider making money, let alone saving money. But regardless of your current financial situation, and in good times and bad, money matters and the more you know about how to save money, the better youre able to take the good times with the bad.And while banks arent in the habit of writing financial books to help you...more
A question that is often asked, and a good one, I suppose, is what are the necessary steps to become a millionaire that normal, everyday people can take? I will be commenting on this subject through a series of articles that will address the steps you can take to better your chances at millionaire status. Step 1? Tune up your Millionaire Mindset!Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have success, all the money they need, good...more
Do employment verifications and background checks consume a significant amount of your HR departments time? Outsourcing these functions is a great way to increase the efficiency of HR personnel through the elimination of these time-consuming tasks. But its not as easy as just calling up an employment verification company and passing the baton - theres still a lot you need to know.The following is a collection of employment verification practices along with additional information that details the steps involved in processing background screenings.Steps for a Successful Employment Verification1. Provide as much information as possibleWhen submitting a request for background screening services, it is important that the CRA is supplied with as much information from the applicant as possible. There may be instances where an applicant has changed his/her last name or may use a nickname that they failed to include on their paperwork. This omission may result in a discrepancy when trying to verify information.When an applicant is providing his/her employment history, its important that a full name and address for the employer is provided. In many cases, an applicant may list the...more
What is E-Verify?E-Verify was originally introduced to employers as the Basic Pilot Program. The program was developed to provide employers with a free internet-based system where they could determine employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security numbers. The system is operated by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration...more
In the book Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter point out that a big difference between a business owner (a person in the "B-Quadrant" of Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant) and a sole proprieter (a person in the "S-Quadrant" of Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant) is systems.B's own business systems, which are automated or run by...more
If a business cannot survive without good cash flow management, then a business will not thrive without good communications.There are two parts to network marketing...1. NETWORK and2. MARKETINGBoth parts are of equal importance in building a highly profitable network marketing business.Your network is your relationship with the people in your business: your downline, your customers and clients and your prospects. Building a strong relationship with these people is critical to your business success. Maintaining these relationships ensures continued profitability because people only buy from those they know and trust.Most network marketers have problems in developing these relationships to begin with, let alone maintaining them.Developing relationships has all to do with the second part: marketing.Most network marketers have never had prior business experience, and therefore have no idea how to market or promote their business opportunity or products.Ironically, distributors who have no idea on how to promote, tell their downline members to go out and build themselves a business."Just write a list of 100 warm market contacts, hold a house party and show them the plan, tell them why...more
Often it is believed that simply purchasing an aircraft outside of California eliminates the sales and use tax liability. There is a half truth here; properly purchasing an aircraft outside of California does eliminate the sales tax obligation,...more
One Community Banks 3-Step System for Wiping out Credit Card Debt Now more than ever, the news about banks lending money is doom and gloom. From the presidents sobering speeches about this countrys financial crisis to the headlines to the...more
Effective Leadership is essential at any level of Management in Business. From the newly appointed Supervisor to the Senior Company Director, the core role of a Leader is surprisingly very similar. The Leader is responsible for Leading the Followers,...more
One of the most common problems made by those who are new to affiliate marketing, is that many of them tend to focus on niche products, rather than those products with a proven track record. What you need to realize is; if you want to make the big...more
Homebuyers with spotless credit records are being warned that they could find it difficult to take out a new mortgage as banks continue to tighten their lending criteria. Banks and building societies are rejecting loan applications at short notice as...more
Tampa, FL June 4, 2010 Finding the perfect candidate to join your accounting or audit team can be a frustrating and time-consuming task. As with any group of professionals, not all candidates are created equal. Subtle nuances in experience,...more