Getting Pregnant is Difficult, why? – Here are Some Infertility Enhancement Tips and tricks We have been trying to have a baby for a while now; I have been tracking my ovulation days and have been eating healthy and exercising. I'm 25 and I would have thought that getting pregnant would have been easy at my age! I really want a baby and why is it so difficult to conceive?If you are in this same shoe, all I have to say it that you should...more
Will it be Difficult to Get Pregnant after an Early Miscarriage? - Struggling to Pregnant after a Miscarriage I understand that many women have difficulty getting pregnant after a miscarriage as their hormones are so imbalanced. I recently had what they call a chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage). I was only pregnant a few weeks, just long enough to find out I was, and then got a very unwanted, late period. While brief, I was...more
Is Getting Pregnant Really as difficult as it seems? - How difficult is it To Get pregnant? Even though the majority of women spend all their time trying not to get pregnant, it is important to know that getting pregnant is not really as easy as many people think or imagine. In fact, getting pregnant is a very difficult thing and it does depend on the person. It might just seem so frustrating trying to get pregnant but it is always good to keep the faith.It is crazy how much of our lives we spend trying NOT to get pregnant, and then we get older, we start doing everything in our power to get pregnant. LOL! Did you know that there is actually only about a 30% chance of pregnancy per month, for a couple in perfect fertility health! Also, less than 25% of couples, who try to conceive, succeed in doing so during the first month of trying. And just 85% succeed after trying for a whole year!If you've been trying more than 6 months to get pregnant and have no known fertility issues, you should call your doctor and schedule an appointment to talk about your plan of action! Yes getting pregnant is really difficult especially if you have some complications. You are considered as...more
Why is Getting Pregnant so Difficult? – Tips for Getting Pregnant and Getting Pregnant Fast Angela: I have tried for over a year to get pregnant, and sometimes I feel maybe it's my weight, or maybe the sadness of it not occurring for over a year now. I get excited every time I get words of encouragement- people telling me that it will...more
Why is Getting Pregnant so Difficult? – Tips to Make Getting Pregnant A Little Much More Easier First time I got pregnant I was age 17. I married this guy without knowing I was pregnant. I found out a month later after I got married that I was pregnant. (My husband is the biological father just if you were wondering) Any way, my daughter...more
Is Getting Pregnant Difficult w/ HSV-2? - Getting Pregnant Being Difficult I was diagnosed with HSV-2 (Herpes) in October 2006. I have NOT had any outbreaks since then. I only take my pills when I feel an itch down there but fortunately it never comes. I was wondering if I am going to have problems getting pregnant. My doctor told me I can have children but I was seeking advice from someone who is in a similar situation. I really want kids and I hope this hasn't ruined my life completely.Many women, who have this condition HSV-2 (Herpes), usually doubt if it can affect their fertility. If you are one of them then this article will through some light on this issue, and also provide links to recourses you can use to increase your chances of getting pregnant, should you be having problems with that.To start with, Herpes do not actually affect your fertility. I mean not at all. Also, herpes should not affect your fetus, not at all either. When you are actually delivering the baby, the doctor will want to take special precautions to protect the baby from catching your herpes - since it is spread through skin-to-skin contact. This may include a c-section.If you are struggling to...more
Is Getting Pregnant Difficult if You Have Endometriosis? - Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis I'm 29 and had surgery when I was 22 to determine why I was having such bad periods. The surgery found that I have Endometriosis. I am concerned...more
Pregnancy Guide - Pregnant Without Pounds Reviews When planning on starting a family your health, fitness and nutrition is a major factor in having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.I found this very informative book called Pregnancy...more
Hi, I wanna talk with you about what to eat when pregnant. My name is Karen Phoenix and I am a nutritional and fitness coach and I am a new mommy. During my pregnancy, I found out how I could not gain an excessive amount of weight, and have a...more
Get Pregnant Holistically - How To Conceive Naturally First of all, you have to remember that our body is the most sophisticated mechanism ever and if you have failed to get pregnant, it a sign that your body is not ready to carry a child....more
Did you know that natural herbs have been used to boost fertility in women for thousands of years? The use of these fertility herbs are said to have originated in China. Today, the usage is as popular as ever and is still thought of by the Chinese...more
If youre making a list of the most important things you can do to get pregnant, I hope having sex is number one on the list. Of course you know that, but did you know there are optimal times of the month to maximize your chances of conceiving? ...more