End my debt problems is a phrase we hear here all the time at Help With Debt. So many people are now experiencing debt issues where they would not have just a year ago. For many it was not the level of debt that was a worry to them but the affordability. You see debt can be a problem to anybody. You may have a huge amount of debt in hour name, but if you can service that debt, it does not cause you a problem. The Inability to...more
How do you balance the budget when it is nearly the end of the month and Christmas is approaching too? In this article you can get some tips for low cost and no cost activities which will keep all the family happy. Start by making a plan. Write down the days of the week, and make a list of things that the kids have asked to do, appointments you have to attend and ideas that you have. Free activities include: Dressing up. A walk to the park....more
Learning how to budget personal finances is very important. Not only does it help you save up for your future, it also keeps you from incurring any unnecessary expenses. You know exactly what Im talking about, dont you? No more wild shopping sprees and wrong purchase decisions. I know this doesnt sound like a lot of fun at all, but thats because youre used to the old understanding of budgeting. This article will change your old perceptions about money and teach you how to budget personal finances in a fun and creative way. Step 1: List down expenses.Learning how to budget personal finances may come naturally to others; but if youre not used to it, you may want to start with something simple. That first step involves listing down your expenses every single day. Everything you shelled money out for, you must list down. Did you buy a train ticket today? Write that down. Did you buy yourself a cup of coffee or perhaps paid one of your friends back the money you owe him? Write those down as well. You may want to reserve a small notebook or organizer for this list. This way, you are 100% aware of where your cash is going. Writing your expenses down also makes your mind more conscious...more
So, you think you are the only one with that lightening dark cloud right above your head, swanking its atrocious doings on you, or is it just another debt related nightmare? Confusing but true. Ask yourself, how many sleepless nights have you spent just because you don't want to see those screaming and shouting creditors in your...more
We all want to find the best debt elimination programs in the market. However, how many of us are prepared to put in the hard work that is required to find the right program? Is there a proper way to search for debt elimination programs? Should logic dominate your actions or should the final goal determine how you proceed? All these...more
Many financial guru's will tell you to forget about cutting back and reducing debt. They want you to create a prosperity consciousness. You may be told that if you think about your debt and look for ways to reduce your spending you will only further entrench your poverty consciousness.With respect to these guru's it is a complete load of rubbish. That's my opinion anyway, and I will seek to explain why.If you have had a long term poor relationship with money, i.e. you are broke and getting further in debt you may have several issues to deal with.1. To this point you have made some bad decisions regarding debt, and just buying a self help programme will add to that debt. Sure many of these programmes potentially offer great benefit, but the transition from debt to wealth thinking requires some important steps.2. If you have tried systems before which offered great promise, real estate, money markets or the internet and you are still in struggle mode then something important was overlooked in your education.3. If you have started a business which failed or struggles along and you haven't clearlyidentified what the problem was, you need to take a good long hard look. If you blamed...more
Debt is a thin red line before hitting the bankruptcy. It is not merely having no financial incapacity but its damage is not only hurting the pocket but sad to say its damage is more than what one expects it to be.Money says it all....more
A change in lifestyle plays an important part in the elimination of debt. A person who is an excessive spender should adopt an attitude of spending less. There is no need spending money and buying something that you cannot pay for. It...more
One of the reasons given over and over for the slow recovery from this recession is the amount of debt so many Americans are buried under. The soaring house values of just two years ago made people feel rich and the financial future looked...more
In the current economy it is more important than ever to eliminate debt and build up a savings account of some kind. Financial experts recommend speaking to a consumer credit counseling service to help those in debt to make a plan for paying off...more
The current economic slowdown is compelling increasing number of businesses to hold on to payables as long as possible. Companies are delaying making payments to preserve funds for their own business operations. Studies have shown that payments...more
It is a sad situation for many of us in the U.S. today. Many have found their hours cut back at work or even learn that their job (and paycheck) is no longer there for them as they've been laid off. Jobs are becoming scarcer and the...more