How To Budget Personal Finances In 3 Simple Steps
Learning how to budget personal finances is very important
. Not only does it help you save up for your future, it also keeps you from incurring any unnecessary expenses.
You know exactly what Im talking about, dont you? No more wild shopping sprees and wrong purchase decisions.
I know this doesnt sound like a lot of fun at all, but thats because youre used to the old understanding of budgeting. This article will change your old perceptions about money and teach you how to budget personal finances in a fun and creative way.
Step 1: List down expenses.
Learning how to budget personal finances may come naturally to others; but if youre not used to it, you may want to start with something simple.
That first step involves listing down your expenses every single day. Everything you shelled money out for, you must list down. Did you buy a train ticket today? Write that down. Did you buy yourself a cup of coffee or perhaps paid one of your friends back the money you owe him? Write those down as well.
You may want to reserve a small notebook or organizer for this list. This way, you are 100% aware of where your cash is going. Writing your expenses down also makes your mind more conscious about what you spend your money on.
At the end of the day, youll come to a striking realization that you need to cut back on certain things.
Step 2: Save a percentage of your earnings.
Another way on how to budget personal finances is by saving at least 5-10% of what you earn in the bank; or better yet, an investment plan with a higher interest. As soon as payday comes, keep that small percent under lock and key.
It might not seem like much, but youll be surprised at how much all those percentage shares add up at the end of the year!
Step 3: Budget online.
These days, there is a bevy of budgeting software available for your own personal use. Applications like and Quicken Online help you track your expenses and spending habits down, absolutely free of charge!
These web sites help you understand money and often show you just where your savings are going. Theyll paint you a realistic picture of where your money disappears off to and in which areas you have to cut back.
Of course, these applications are only as secure as your password, so you might want to be doubly careful when logging in and out of them.
Learning how to budget personal finances is quite easy as long as you put your mind to it. Dont be bogged down by thinking its impossible.
by: Michael Lee
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