If you are like most Australian consumers, you more than likely have succumbed to the convenience using credit cards as a funding source to get the things you want in life. It takes a great deal of discipline using credit cards on a monthly basis to make extraordinary purchases or even casual payments for a night out on the town or to buy that special pair of shoes you found while out on a normal shopping excursion. Some people, when faced with...more
Many homeowners faced with mounting debt struggling to pay an existing home loan may find relief through a mortgage refinance. There are options available to Australian homeowners that can bring needed financial relief.Convenience through Mortgage RefinanceIt may be possible to consolidate all your outstanding debts rolling them into one loan and one monthly repayment. This would more than likely result paying less than all the current monthly...more
Author: Paul WiseWhen people speak of a no cost mortgage refinance they are referring to the closing costs. Because closing costs can be quite daunting it may be possible to refinance your home without worrying about those closing costs. The down side is that this may also increase your annual percentage rate slightly.By getting a no cost mortgage refinance you can avoid such fees as broker fees, title insurance, escrow fees, recording fees, appraisal fees and more, although it won't get you out of paying the mortgage interest rates average, insurance and of course taxes.So, is it worth it? If you are holding this property for a short period of time perhaps because you want to flip the home or any other reason - yes. The best way to find out is by seeing how much you would pay with the no cost mortgage refinance loan monthly for the planned duration of the loan and compare it to the cost of getting a loan with closing fees & add in the fees. Where does your break-even point lie? 5 years? 6? If you plan on holding the home for less time than this it will be worth it to do.On the other hand if this is going to be your home for a while and you have some money on the side you can...more
In order for Canadians to continually qualify for the lowest possible Canada mortgage rates, the Canadian government had ordered the financial institutions, lenders, and banks, to slash their interest rates to a low level.At this time, the Bank of Canada has set its prime rate at 0.25 %, and it will keep the rate on until the following year. With...more
With the economic collapse of 2008 and the mounting job losses (in certain areas) many people are now finding it difficult to make the necessary payments to stay in their homes. Nothing can be more stressful than the fear of losing one's home. But before you refinance, you need to determine if the market is right for refinancing (and it...more
The present-day economy, not only in the United States but through all the developed countries of the world, has fallen from soaring heights, to rock bottom. A serious credit crunch is setting in. As a result, those with good credit are finding that banks and lenders are chopping the fat off their mortgage rates in order to stimulate the consumer desire to take out a loan. This process of lowering mortgage interest rates has already come into full swing in the U.S as a result of increased borrowing on the bond market. The list of these established financial institutions which are lowering their mortgage rates continues to grow.Obviously, this isn't all good news. However, for people with good credit who are looking to finance a home or take out a mortgage, it does create a positive borrowing environment. In fact, due to mortgage rates hitting the deck, the housing and real estate markets here in the U.S. have finally come back to a reasonable level, which will allow many households to finally prosper. In recent months, an 18% increase of property resale has been recorded in the United States real estate market, and the government has announced that it will purchase millions...more
Author: Sanjana AntonyAre you someone that lives in the USA and are trying to keep up with the changes to and activity that seems to be non-stop within the US Mortgage industry are not going to have that easy a time trying to keep up with the...more
Author: Sanjana AntonyWhen it comes to choosing a good US Mortgage lender when you have found that perfect property, you might be asking a few questions of each mortgage lender in order to find the one that really will work with you and also is...more
Certification in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP) is the qualification needed for a person to practice as a recognized mortgage advisor. There are different types of CeMAP courses available to suit the needs of individuals - Traditional Classroom...more
Author: Sanjana AntonyWhen you are looking around in any area of the country the one thing that you really need to pay close attention to are the current interest rates on mortgage loans in that area. This will tell you exactly how much you are going...more
Author: Gary AshtonOptimists keep claiming that things in the real estate world are looking up, but reality keeps reminding us that things are not all sunshine and roses just yet. Even with the current government incentive program for encouraging...more
Author: MPetroneFannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now offering new mortgage modification programs for homeowners. This is because of President Obamas $75 billion housing stimulus program. Here are some things homeowners should know about Fannie Mae and...more