When you are looking for a life insurance plan you want to make sure that you understand what all of your options are. There are a lot of people that simply stick with a program that they have been told is a good program.First, you should talk with your friends and family so that you can get a wide variety of opinions about some plans. Many people do not understand that there are so many different types of plans that they can invest in.While...more
Life, and insurance, after breast cancer Breast cancer strikes fear in women's hearts. It is the leading cause of cancer in women, with 207,090 women expected to be diagnosed with the disease this year alone, and is expected to claim the lives of more than 40,000 women in 2010, according to the American Cancer Society. Many of its victims are scarred by the trauma of going through treatments and possibly losing part of their womanhood.But...more
The lowdown on high blood pressure and life insurance High blood pressure is called the silent killer for a reason. One in three adults in the U.S. has it, many with no symptoms, no red flags, and unless they've seen a doctor lately, no idea their numbers are so high they are at risk for heart attack or stroke, according to Centers for Disease Prevention and Control."High blood pressure is a precursor or indicator of other health issues going on," says Ryan Pinney, brokerage director with Pinney Insurance Center in Roseville, Calif. He says that is why underwriters and insurance companies take into consideration an applicant's systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) readings much like they do their height and weight when determining how they will be rated for life insurance.He says a blood pressure of 130/85 is normal and would usually result in a preferred or preferred plus rating, the best and least expensive, while 150/90 would bring you down to standard, or even substandard rating, depending on whether it is being effectively treated with medications.How high is too high? An applicant whose blood pressure soars to 180/110 and/or is left untreated, could be declined...more
What do you call news that that does not take effect until 2014? Meaningless!The fact that a federal district judge in Virginia ruled on Monday that a section of the Obama health care law is unconstitutional will not change anything because we already know the new congress coming into power in January of 2011 might make some changes before that ...more
Alcohol Rehab- take a turn and bring your life back on track! One of the most common and enjoyable ways of partying is by getting drunk. Consuming alcohol, even in little amounts has become a trend for one and all. A party stands boring or incomplete without alcohol. Alcoholics think there is no harm in getting drunken everyday, but...more
Life Insurance Richmond VA 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz. So I see you're hunting for "life insurance richmond". Before you make another click, run over to http://www.LifeInsuranceSecretReport.com and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with... -Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers. -Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of fact...you may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER. You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance richmond", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to...more
No exam term life insurance offers many short and long term options. Plans can be available for as long as 40 years in rate guarantee. Nevertheless, the ten year no exam term life insurance plan seems to be the most popular. And the state of the...more
Life Insurance for the Elderly, Is it Expensive? Is It Needed? First of all, what is considered elderly? Now a days it can be more difficult to define. It used to be that an elderly person was retired at around age 59, taking a vacations here...more
Finding a Reputable Florida Term Life Insurance Agency If you are a Florida resident, you may not know or understand what is going on with Florida health insurance. Florida's governor, Charlie Christ, has founded a program that helps many that...more
How Much Life Insurance Do I Really Need? One of the most important questions that gets asked when helping people with life insurance is "how much life insurance do I really need?"There are many variable to this topic and there is no one best...more
Life Insurance is an all time favorite topic. In general, people discuss life insurance policies and life insurance quotes. In these discussion life insurance cover and benefits are discussed in great detail.Gone are the days when insurance agents...more
Discover How to Make the Suitable Selection When Picking the Finest Life Insurance Type There are two different types of life insurace - term and permanent. Are the disparities between the two kinds important? The distinction of the 2 kinds...more