5 Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money Online Marketing even a unique, timely, well-conceived product requires effort and know-how. Here are five reasons why you're not making money online:1. You don't know who your audience is. This is the fundamental rule for all marketing efforts: know your audience. Each marketing strategy you implement depends on the answer to that question, from your web page background to your keyword...more
You've just finished creating your brand spanking new home business website, you've drawn up your Internet marketing plan and you've decided what products you're going to promote. Now all you have to do is convince people to buy your merchandise. This may not be as easy as you may think.There's a lot of competition on the web in just about every niche you can imagine and your potential customer's final decision of whether to buy or not to buy is...more
When initially setting up shop, freelancers often face a challenge - creating a professional looking business front without going over what can be a very tight budget. Credibility is key in any industry and having all the hallmarks of a more established company can make a one-man-band operation seem like far more than the sum of its parts.One often overlooked area is having all the channels of communication associated with a known brand. And though it may come as a surprise to some people, fax is still very much a part of business life.You may assume that fax has been completely replaced by more modern means of communication, the most obvious choice being email. However, fax still plays a big role in a lot of organizations. For many, the ability to quickly and securely send and receive sensitive documents via fax is unsurpassed by any of the mediums modern rivals. But whilst manual fax machines may seem slow, bulky and unfashionable, there is now an alternative method of faxing that saves users a lot of both time and money.Here are the main reasons why online faxing is a better option to manual faxing or emailing:1. Cloud ComputingThe rise of cloud computing has made working from...more
5 Reasons To Use Blogs To Promote Online Poker Rooms And How You Can Start Asap Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one's opinion on the said page. What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages...more
When it comes to planning your vacation, it's tempting to go the do-it-yourself route. After all, it's easy enough to book an airline flight reservation. Why shouldn't you also do your own booking for a car rental, hotel, or even a cruise? Here are five reasons why you should leave your vacation planning to a professional, full service online...more
1. Internet advertising is more immediate.Customers today are not looking for solutions except when they are looking for them. At that point, they want those solutions immediately.What this means is that you can surround your target market with as many advertisements on park benches and billboards as you like. You are wasting your money; your customer simply tunes them out. And when the customer is ready for the product that you are advertising, they may not be around your billboard. However, if you advertise online, you will always be on their smartphone or their tablet. You will be able to find that customer at the exact moment that they want to buy from you.2. Online advertising is actually preferred by certain demographics.The younger that you go, the less resistance you find to online commerce. This includes negative reactions to advertisements. Telemarketing is constantly being vilified, and the technique of door to door is completely dead. Most younger people actually do not prefer to deal with a sales person during the sales process of anything other than cars and real estate.Give this demographic what they want by advertising your products and services online.3. Pay per...more
Working from home rocks.Or working from wherever you want to work, on earth.I write these words from Chiang Mai, Thailand.I've been on a working vacation for 13 months.Of course you need to work. Quite a bit.But if you work, you make money. Simple...more
5 Reasons To Shop From An Online Beauty Store 15 years back, would you have considered the possibility of shopping from an online beauty store? These are exciting times as many revolutionary changes are taking place all around us. The...more
The above are only the most compelling reasons to shop for your beauty products online. So, whether you're a seasoned online shopper or new to it, you're really losing out if you are shopping locally, instead of taking advantage of the highly...more
The digital revolution has brought more than just social networking sites. Thanks to it, you just not connect with people all around the world but can also quench your thirst of knowledge by reading eminent authors. These online bookstores bring you...more
Maybe you don't like borrowing money, but there are times when unforeseen circumstances occur and you may find yourself in a financial disaster wondering where you are going to get some money. While you may feel like there is no where to turn, that...more
As a regular consumer, you may have been used to purchasing calling cards via retail stores or gas stations. But did you know that there are many other places where you can purchase call cards aside from over-the-counter? One great alternative is...more