Article: is "Drop Shipping"? By: Andylin About the Author The Best China Electronics Wholesale & Discount Electronics Wholesale of the world! (ArticlesBase SC #3011674) Article Source: - What is "Drop Shipping"? more
Getting Started on Global forex trading By: Kc Yap About the Author KC Yap is an author who likes to write about all interesting events in the world (ArticlesBase SC #3575159) Article Source: - Getting Started on Global forex trading more
(1888PressRelease) Alex Avery's new blog entry urges full disclosure of non-profits' financial records, agenda.Charlottesville, VA - Center for Global Food Issues unveils its new blog entry, The Big Money Behind the Environmental Scare Movement -the attack on atrazine replays the alar scare, which calls for transparency into environmental activists' work to demonize and ban the herbicide atrazine.Written by Alex Avery, director of research and education for the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, the new blog entry questions why "activists (should) get a free ride when it comes to full disclosure," and outlines the significant dollars behind the assault on modern agricultural technologies, particularly the safe and effective herbicide atrazine. In his blog entry, Avery digs deeper into the public financial records of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), one of the organizations behind the 1980's "alar scare" and the current campaign against atrazine. Avery cites records that show that by 2004, the tax-exempt organization had received nearly $6.5 million in discretionary grants from the EPA since 1993, noting the EPA conceded all the discretionary grants...more
Not to mention, you and your children can also practice recycling, reusing and reducing resources.Global warming for kids: explaining the consequences of global warming By: Rubin Miller About the Author To find more information on global warming for kids, visit Global Warming For Kids. Don't forget to check out our most read...more
GPS or Global Positioning System is a fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System. This system uses an artificial constellation of 24 medium Earth orbit satellites. These satellites transmit microwave signals, thus enabling a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction and time. This system was developed by United States...more
Are you one of those people who would rather drive around town for hours than stop and ask for directions? If so, a Global positioning system, or GPS, could be the perfect tool for you.A GPS is an operational navigational system that employs the use of navigational satellites. In other words, it tracks an individual's location or provides direction, all by using an existing satellite system. GPS units are also capable of providing real time reference on earth, or within its orbit.The satellite navigation system was implemented and first used by the United States of America's Department of the Defense. Later, the system was adopted for use by other countries including Europe (Galileo) and Russia (GLONASS). In the United States, any US citizen may use the navigational system, free of charge.The satellite navigational system is primarily divided into three segments:* Space: As the name suggests, the space segment works from outer space. It operates through a GPS satellite constellation, located in an Intermediate Circular Orbit.* Control: The control segment of a satellite navigational system is comprised entirely of control stations that are located on earth. These terrestrial...more
A Geographic Information System/Spatial Information Management (GIS) is a collection of software and geographic data used for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. In the strictest sense,...more
The growth in the aging population (generally 60 and above) is one of the major of drivers for the healthcare industry. This section is also one of the major contributors to the revenues in the healthcare industry. It is estimated that by 2010, more...more
The ageing population, coupled with the increasing cases of cardiovascular diseases, and advancement in new innovative technologies, are driving the growth of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) devices. ICDs are widely being used in...more
Smart Water Meters, which has been launched recently in the market, help in identifying and reporting the water consumption data at various levels. The information captured is transferred to a computer based system through wireless communication....more
Global Visas Complaints: Get Some Knowledge About It By: jyoti About the Author The Author is an online Marketer. She loves to write articles and press releases. She has written thousands of articles over internet. She loves to...more
Global warming, or climate change, is a subject that demonstrates zero sign of cooling down to size. Here's the mean on why it's occurring, precisely what is causing it, and the way it may modify the planet.Is It Taking place?Yes. Earth is...more