Staying Positive In Todays Economy With Affirmations!

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The economy has taken a toll on a big percentage of Americans. People
have not only lost their jobs, their dream homes, their cars, their
worldly positions, but their dreams have also been shattered. So how
do you stay positive when you have lost everything?
First of all, take a real hard look at your life, what have you really
lost? A house, a car, those are just material things. Do you still
have your arms and legs? If you can still walk and talk, you may have
to just survive for a while until the economy turns around, but the
point is you can survive!
Stay Away From Negativity
One way to do this, is embed positive affirmations is your mind. Stay
out of all the negativity, like the news and people around you that
are whining, saying ole poor me! Of course it is not easy, but who
said life would always be easy? Life is what you make it, it is your
choice to make it good or bad, and YES you do have a choice!
Start thinking about how you want your life to look. What do you see
yourself doing, what type of people are in your life, where do you
live? Then think about what it would take you to get there. Do not
think of it as being an impossible challenge, think of it as a
journey. Use your mind like when you were a small child, everything
was possible and you had no fear.
Once you decide exactly what you want, write it down and put it like
you already have it. You have to put it in your subconscious like you
now have it, not that you want it. If you always think you want
something, that thing will never come about, as your subconscious
thinks you just want it, not that you have it.
Do not have your affirmations put in a negative way. Instead of
saying, I do not want stress in my life, Say, I want peace in my life,
otherwise all your subconscious will hear is stress, and you will get
more of it.
Be Real
Always make sure your affirmations are real to you. Do not say, I am
going to be rich tomorrow, as that will never happen, unless you win
the lottery. Make them attainable and believable for you, like I will
have a car to drive in the next thirty days.
Write your affirmations on notes around the house where you can see
them every day. Read them every morning and every night before going
to bed. Reading them out loud will even work better, as when you hear
something you retain it more than just reading it.
Staying positive is the only way most people are going to survive the
economy that has hit us all so hard. And always remember to be
grateful for what you already have. If you think your life sucks,
then visit a hospital. Seeing someone that has to carry an oxygen
bottle around, should make you think twice about how great it is to
breath fresh air. Or a little child dying of cancer, how sad to know
they may not even experience life.
Zig Ziglar quoted: It is not what you have got, it is what you use
that makes the difference.
Think of what you still have, use it to your fullest, be grateful, say
your affirmations, stay positive and watch your life change before
your eyes even in todays economy!
by: Julianne Rowat
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