Cardiology coding conferences The situation: The cardiologist admitted a patient and carried out a procedure on the 23rd of the month. He reviewed the patient on the 24th, went over everything and discharged the patient. So should you charge for the hospital discharge (say for instance 99238) by the same physician for a patient during the global period of the procedure? The answer is: Unfortunately, you may be wrong. If you are in a 90-day...more
GlobalDatas new report, Global Coronary Stents Equipment Pipeline Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2016 provides key data, information and analysis on the global coronary stents market. The report provides market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends information the coronary stents market. The report provides comprehensive information on the key trends affecting the market, and key analytical content on the...more
Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago.The black economy is made up of two constituent activities: 1.. Legal activities that are not reported to the tax authorities and the income from which goes untaxed and unreported. For instance: it is not illegal to clean someone's house, to feed people or to drive them. It is, however, illegal to hide the income generated by these activities and not to pay tax on it. In most countries of the world, this is a criminal offence, punishable by years in prison. 2.. Illegal activities which, needless to say, are also not reported to the state (and, therefore, not taxed). These two types of activities together are thought to comprise between 15% (USA, Germany) to 60% (Russia) of the economic activity (as measured by the GDP), depending on the country. It...more
From the past experiences and growth rate of Nigeria, it has been observed that it follows a slow pace for development which, during the final stage of evaluation is equal to negligible growth. This is because of the lack of creativity among the individuals residing over there. Seeing the condition of this state, the UK universities in Nigeria have...more
Global Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Opportunity Assessment, Competitive Landscape and Market Forecasts to 2016SummaryGlobalDatas medical equipment report, Global Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Opportunity Assessment, Competitive Landscape and Market Forecasts to 2016 provides key data, information and analysis on the global Hospital...more
On February 24, 2003, in the Islamic Financial Forum in Dubai, Brad Bourland, chief economist for the Saudi American Bank (SAMBA), breached the embarrassed silence that invariably enshrouds speakers in Middle Eastern get-togethers. He reminded the assembled that despite the decades-long fortuity of opulent oil revenues, the nations of the region - excluding Turkey and Israel - failed to reform their economies, let alone prosper.Structural weaknesses, imperceptible growth, crippling unemployment and deteriorating government financing confined Arab states to the role of oil-addicted minions. At $540 billion, said Bourland, quoted by Middle East Online, the combined gross domestic product of all the Arab countries is smaller than Mexico's (or Spain's, adds The Economist).According to the Arab League, the gross national product of all its members amounted to $712 billion or 2 percent of the world's GNP in 2001 - merely double sub-Saharan Africa's.Even the recent tripling of the price of oil - their main export commodity - did not generate sustained growth equal to the burgeoning population and labor force. Algeria's official unemployment rate is 26.4 percent, Oman's 17.2 percent,...more
Global Endoscopes Pipeline Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2016SummaryMedical equipment report, Global Endoscopes Equipment Pipeline Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2016 provides key data, information...more
Aarkstore announce a new report "Global Carbon Policy Handbook 2010 - Policies Driving the Growth of Carbon Trading Markets" through its vast collection of market research report.SummaryThe leading business intelligence provider, has released its...more
Aarkstore announce a new report "Global Top 10 Emerging Oil Storage Markets - Market Analysis, Capacity Forecasts and Competitive Landscape to 2015 " through its vast collection of market research report.SummaryGlobal Top 10 Emerging Oil Storage...more
If we were to go out on the streets in any major city and ask people to explain what globalization is and how it affects people in a "Jay Leno" type manner we would probably arrive with many different answers. Why is this? Why are their so many...more
Lynas, Mark Contemporary Issues Companion: Global Warming Shasta Gaughen Greenhaven Press Viewpoint Hardly anyone realizes it, but the debate about climate change is over. Scientists around the world have now amassed an unassailable body of evidence...more
Infertility is a global problem and we have its global solution,Third party reproduction or Surrogacy in India.Resent story online is about The documentary Google Baby explores what happens when surrogacy meets international outsourcing. The same...more