Debt negotiation is the process by which a company negotiates with a credit card company to get them to lower the amount that a consumer owes. A debt negotiation client may be able to reduce your debt by up to 50% and become debt free in 12 to 36 months, all while making a substantially lower monthly payment. When your monthly bills become too much for you to handle, it makes sense to use debt negotiation for solving debt and credit...more
Debt negotiation is a relatively new form of debt relief that is gaining popularity for its results in reducing credit card and consumer debt and because the process can also help homeowners avoid foreclosure by making home loan modifications more likely to be approved. There are two schools of thought on the subject; one that focuses on broken settlements, credit scores and direct negotiations while the other centers on the short and long term...more
Debt negotiation is also sometimes known as debt settlement and is mostly meant for people who can't handle a debt consolidation program. A debt negotiation program is the best alternative for the debtors who is not able to make the minimum payments of debt consolidation plan or havent made any payment for the past three months. The major benefit of debt negotiation program is that debtors do not have to make payments directly to the creditors instead a monthly payment is made to the debt negotiating companies. These debt negotiating companies negotiate with your creditors for a lower payoff of around 40-50% of your total amount of debt. Once the debt settlement negotiation is done, the debt negotiation company makes a one time payment to them.Debt negotiation, or debt settlement, is the process of negotiating with the creditors to pay a lump sum amount to payoff one debts. If one agrees to pay the lump sum amount within 10 to 20 days then creditors directly offer a settlement amount of around 50% of one balance amount, which help the debtors to become debt free in 12 to 36 months. The major drawback of the debt negotiation program is that it lowers one credit score for as long as...more
While the government under the Obama administration is putting emphasis on helping working mothers return to college, many people may not know exactly what Obama grants are. In truth, the federal programs gaining attention for helping mothers attend college are not new creations but rather they're improvements on existing government benefits. ...more
Having to take care of their families on their own, working single mothers have probably the toughest job of all. A wish or a goal for many moms that has to be put on hold in order to take care of other responsibilities, is higher education. President Obama, along with his new administration, however, is encouraging moms to make their education...more
Author: Craig CalvinThe question is not whether Six Sigma Training can assist with the finance industry, but rather how it can affect the finance industry. Businesses and organizations within this sector can find Six Sigma Projects applicable to all areas of business, including: risk management, investment activities, internal processes, and more. Many companies have already found the benefits of Six Sigma Training in their employees in regards to financial services, but many more have yet to realize their potential improvements that could come from investing in Six Sigma Projects.Payroll and other processes that involve accounts payable, receivable, and other regulatory filings can all be made simpler and given a more efficient flow with the Six Sigma Process. These processes can create excess waste in some instances because they are necessary but won't often add anything beneficial to the business beyond having a financial management system in place. Having a Six Sigma Process done to improve these processes can allow for more focus on the business itself and less focus on the business of running the business.Another popular place for Six Sigma Projects within the finance...more
No doubt higher education is important, but there are often a number of obstacles that can hinder potential students from enrolling in college. At the top of this list, especially for single mothers, are family obligations and financial concerns. ...more
Author: Roy PrimmThe recession spending secrets of 2008 and 2009 will change in 2010. The radical consumers who are determined to not only survive but thrive have found a new set of rules for the recession of 2010. They’ve quickly found the old...more
Author: Roy PrimmThe recession continues to squeeze many people to the breaking point who have steady jobs, don’t even think about the estimated 1.5 million documented people who are looking for work and the other estimated 2million who stopped...more
Author: Roy PrimmRecession spending secrets continues as one of the favorite subjects of most consumers, you hear it discussed everywhere these days. For example, on television talk shows, radio call in shows, news documentaries and even school class...more
Author: Alfred HinesA beginner poker player, who is at the learning stage have more likelihood of making howlers, as the assumptions may go wrong in the early stage, but the power poker players are well-versed players, who knows all details in the...more
Author: Bob B HamiltonOne of the secrets everyone undertaking a dollar store start up should know is associated with their dollar store stock room. It is associated with how you actually manage your stock room and the dollar store merchandise that...more