When you are getting your wisdom teeth removed it can be a very scary process. To make sure that you survive the procedure and you are able to heal quickly you want to educate yourself before you even go in to have the teeth removed.First, you want to make sure that you follow all directions that you oral surgeon gives you. Some people feel that the directions are ridiculous or too cautions, but your doctor has very specific reasons in giving...more
In Lake Forest, IL dentists used to practice only one method of realigning teeth structure: through the application of dental braces. The installation of dental braces is the traditional process of straightening crooked and overlapping teeth, or malocclusions. This is why most people think they cant have their teeths alignment corrected or repaired without the use of orthodontic braces. However, there is now a way of fixing these dental problems...more
When people lose their teeth permanently, the most common thing to do is to get dentures. However, dentures may not always feel comfortable to wear, since it affects peoples ability of chewing and grinding food. Unfit dentures cause uneasiness, which prevents the wearer to give a full confident smile.Modern dentistry in Sarasota addresses this concern through the help of dental implants. Dental implants are like dentures which aim to replace permanent teeth loss. But unlike dentures, dental implants are permanently attached and do not rely on support from the neighboring teeth. These teeth replacements are screwed into the dental bone for permanent attachment. With this kind of security, chewing and grinding is not much of a worry anymore. The uneasy feeling is also eliminated because the wearer wont even feel the difference of having artificial teeth.Dental implants are one of the best services that Sarasota dentistry offers. Acquiring a dental implant is a one time set up that could last a lifetime with proper maintenance. Dental implants can either be on-the-bone, or in-the-bone, depending on the dental bone condition of the patient.The dental implant procedure is very common in...more
Sarasota, FL is one of the many cities in Florida where oral health is paid with great attention and concern. Dental clinics are rampant everywhere, and dental practitioners in the area embrace modern and new discoveries on dental advancements. Dental clinics also adapt to the new technological advancements on dental equipments and machines.Among...more
Electric Toothbrushes: Are They for You?Power and sonic toothbrushes have come a long way.Power Toothbrushes: Electric and SonicElectric toothbrushes were first introduced in the U.S. in 1960 by a company called Squibb, and marketed under the name Broxodent. Today, there are dozens of different brands available, with a myriad of features, including...more
For a person who wants to meet new people and make new friends, theres nothing more important than a smile. A person who is not confident about his or her smile may find it more difficult to socialize with other people. This is a problem suffered by people who are not born with perfect teeth, or those who lost previously healthy teeth to decay or damage.Teeth that are not uniformly aligned are not immediately considered as unhealthy. Many crookedly-aligned teeth are even healthier than their properly-aligned neighbors. This is why some people who have imperfect teeth hesitate to go to a dentist for treatment. Fortunately, there are many dental specialists who can help resolve this predicament. They are called cosmetic dentists.Cosmetic dentists are not the typical dentists who extract decayed teeth or conduct oral examinations and orthodontic operations. They are dentists whose priority is to enhance the appearance of the teeth and the gums. Their job ranges from simple teeth bleaching for cleaner dental appearance to complex laser repair of gum tissues that affect the appearance of a persons smile.In populous cities like Los Angeles, California, cosmetic dentists are some of the...more
A lot of people suffer from low self-esteem after losing a tooth or several teeth, especially when the ones lost are the primary anterior members, like the central and lateral incisors. People lose their teeth because of several reasons, such as old...more
Dental lasers are the newest technology in the field of general dentistry. The use of naturally flexible and adjustable lights of different wavelengths can replace the most dangerous tools used in many critical dental operations. Dental lasers are...more
Some people who have crooked or misaligned teeth dont want to wear metal braces. These orthodontic braces are highly visible to other people, because of the braces metal wires and brackets. Many people, especially teenagers and young adults, think...more
Dentistry is one of the most advanced medical fields in Los Angeles. Aside from general dentistry, dentists in the city also practice more specialized dental procedures. The most common of these is cosmetic dentistry. People in Los Angeles always...more
Cosmetic dentistry, as a branch of medicine, is a complex and complicated profession. There are higher expectations from cosmetic dentists than from general corrective dentists. Cosmetic dentistry does not only require knowledge, it requires...more
Many are not aware that ones oral health can greatly affect a persons general health. Unhealthy teeth can cause severe diseases to a person. Proper brushing and flossing should be done after every meal or at least twice a day. Healthy food for the...more