WAUNAKEE, WI - Dr. Stanley Karls introduces his son Dr. Matthew Karls to his team of dental health care professionals at Karls Family Dentistry. Graduating from Marquette University School of Dentistry, Dr. Matthew Karls is committed to providing the best in quality dental care while serving alongside his experienced father. Dr. Matthew Karls completed his advanced training residency at Meriter Hospital and has currently accepted a position on...more
Dr. Vinny is not only a very skilled Wellington dental professional but also a very well to do administrator. He has also arranged for special modular trainings for his staff in order to communicate with the patients formally. Basically his belief of lifelong success in dentistry is education in communication with the patients has brought him glory in every following step. According to the patients Dr. Vinnys trump card was their trust in him....more
What is This White Stringy Mucous Film That Develops Every Morning on Your Mouth Right After Brushing Teeth? A Gooey Slime Discharge What is This White Stringy Mucous Film That Develops Every Morning on Your Mouth Right After Brushing Teeth? A Gooey Slime DischargeWell, I've been having this issue for quite sometime and wondered what is this white stringy mucous that develops on my inner cheek right after i brush my teeth.I finally found the answer to it.This is usually caused by a toothpaste or mouthwash that burns or necrolizes the very sensitive outer tissue of the oral cavity. The resulting damage causes the dead tissue to collect into globs or peel off in thin sheets when you move your tongue across the gums or cheeks, or eat food.If you don't want this to happen, do not use any toothpaste that contains any type of peroxide or whitener (other than silica). Don't use an alcohol based mouthwash.Baking soda can cause this as well.Buy a 'sensitive' toothpaste like Sensodyne or a generic equivalent and this problem should go away. I've found that Mentadent P and Sensodyne Pro Enamel don't leave any slime, but Sensodyne Gentle Whitening does.Some medications can also cause...more
Brits Favour Conservative Cosmetic Dentistry A growing number of Brits are undergoing cosmetic dentistry but prefer conservative treatments.Professor Jimmy Steele, from the School of Dental Science at Newcastle University, told the BBC that Brits of all ages are now happy to have cosmetic dentistry but are not as adventurous as their...more
Understanding What Causes Teeth Grinding Even though teeth grinding is a common problem, there is no universal agreement about why people do it. There might be several different causes, as a lot of matters and behaviors have been related to teeth grinding or bruxism. What ensues are some potential foundations for teeth grinding, however...more
Unless you already have the perfect smile then chances are at some point, you have or will think about Cosmetic Dentistry and a Smile Makeover. Cosmetic Dentistry has become an assessable commodity for the majority nowadays - No longer a privilege reserved for celebrities and the financial elite. There are many cosmetic procedures available - Teeth Whitening & Cleaning: Invisible Orthodontics: Implants, Crowns, Bridges and Veneers being among the more well known treatments used within Cosmetic Dentistry to create the perfect smile.... Perfect Smile Spa is a general and Cosmetic Dentist - Essex based - renowned for their Smile Makeovers. A Smile Makeover involves several procedures. The significant difference between a Makeover and Reconstruction being, the latter involves treatments that are necessary: A Smile Makeover involves treatments the patient CHOOSES to undergo for cosmetic reasons. Many reasons motivate people to visit a Cosmetic Dentist and many considerations need to be made on arrival. Establishing with your Cosmetic Dentist exactly what you wish to change about your smile right at the beginning is the best foot forward Not all Cosmetic Dentists will be able to provide...more
One of the most well known benefits of having the teeth straightened is the appearance of better teeth. However, there is another less popular but equally important gain from getting the teeth fixed. Having straighter teeth from the help of veneers...more
Whiter Teeth Are Your Right Every day, an increasing number of people from UK, USA and other European countries are landing in India to avail quality dental care at reasonable prices. With due credit to the Modern Dentistry Science, you too...more
When people consider the eyes as the window of one's soul, then the teeth is just the right window to the person's heart. We all know that when a person smiles heartily, the world smiles with him. This is because smile is contagious, and no matter...more
Getting compliments by all is desired by everyone and it boosts up the confidence when someone praises about your smiling face in the very first encounter; remaining time of the day, your smile doesnt disappear and you work throughout the day with...more
Are you often anxious or fearful about visiting your dentist for a check-up or any other procedure? Dental anxieties affect an estimated 40 million Americans. People are anxious about going to the dentist for a variety of reasons, including...more
Where can you find individuaL dental coverage that is affordable? Is individual dental insurance affordable is the question you might be asking if you came to this article. I have to say yes that it is. You have to know where to look. I have...more