Do you feel anxiety when visiting the dentist? Then you need to know that you are not alone. You also need to know that visiting a sedation dentist may be your best solution for helping you deal with the way you feel for many different reasons.There are many reasons why sedation is chosen by so many people all over the world. Understanding these reasons will allow you to determine if this could be the answer you have been searching for to help...more
Bring a Smile on Your Face with Dentists in Delhi There may be several reasons where you need to consult a dentist. These reasons may include pain in teeth, tooth alignment, tooth whitening, and teeth replacement etc. A good dentist will always give his best to bring that shiny smile back on your face. As we know we need to take care of our teeth properly to retain that smile on our face. Similarly, it is also very important to visit a...more
Fix Your Teeth to Look Good Contrary to what many people believe, simply keeping one's mouth shut is not enough to hide an embarrassing case of missing tooth or teeth. Ask any beauty expert and they can really identify those beautiful faces that can still be improved with some simple dental procedures.A simple smile nowadays isn't enough to project beauty and wellness; it has to be a perfect smile where the teeth are white and lustrous, aligned with one another and devoid of any space between them. The lack of even a single tooth can damage an otherwise perfect smile. The missing tooth will change the bite of a person and consequently produce a differential strengthening of the muscles which will eventually affect the person's smile. And that's just for a single tooth. What more if there's a whole row of teeth missing?Which is why a number of new dentists readily accept an additional three years of training to be able to do some advanced cosmetic dentistry. Dentists can do simple cosmetic procedures along with their usual duty of tooth extraction, filling and treatment of some teeth and gum problems. But to really improve the looks of a patient, a dentist needs to be...more
Cosmetic Dentistry Is More Than White Teeth A lot of dentists add cosmetic dentistry to their list of specializations. Many people think that if a dental procedure were to improve one's looks, then it is a form of cosmetic dentistry.The work of a dentist is not simple, more so the work of a cosmetic dentist. There are certain dental...more
Dentistry Is Confusing With the way dental science is advancing, it is getting difficult to know who to approach for a dental problem. Dentists now have very specific specializations.There was a time when, if one had a toothache, all one had to do was hie off to the nearest dentist. And that dentist then had all the expertise to deal with...more
Pain and the Dentist Ask around and it is likely that there will be only a few who will answer that they are not afraid of the dentist. It is sad that dentists got this undeserved reputation.Many dental procedures done in the old days relied on the use of local anesthetics. The use of such anesthetics dulled the pain on the area being worked on, but there were always attending inconveniences in every procedure that caused anxiety. If a tooth would be extracted, the area around that tooth would be injected with anesthetic. A local anesthetic was often used, in which case the patient remained conscious and able to feel other related pain or discomfort brought about by the procedure. The patient also had to endure holding his or her mouth open for long periods of time. On top of all these, the patient had to be injected with anesthetic, which was usually targeted into the root of the affected tooth. It was that entry of the needle – the transition between pain and no pain – that affected a lot of patients and caused them to label their dental procedure as a traumatic experience.But current research has shown that the lesser the trauma a patient feels during a procedure, the...more
The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry There was a time, in the infancy of pain management, when anybody who had to have a procedure had to just 'suck it up and get on with it.' That was the time when the only thing that mattered was getting the...more
Mercury-Free Dentistry: The Hazards of Mercury in your Dental Care Mercury is a heavy metal which, under normal circumstances, is treated as a toxic substance that requires special handling and cannot be disposed of in public landfills and...more
Sedation Dentistry For Anxious Patients in Cancun Most people face their dental needs with a degree of anxiety, but for some, planned dental appointments are anticipated with dread and foreboding. This is not uncommon and is known as Dental...more
Is Teeth Whitening Effective? Teeth whitening can do wonders for your complexion, smile, and confidence. Smoking and consumption of teas, coffees, and other foods and drinks can quickly stain your teeth. Harsh brushing and other habits can...more
Gummy Teeth There are many reasons people are dissatisfied with their smile. A fairly common issue is teeth that appear to be too short or gums that overwhelm their teeth, a condition sometimes called gummy teeth. Many people seek a cosmetic...more
Don't let your dentist fool you, there is a more afforable option for a custom fit nightguard Teeth grinding or clenching is a serious medical condition that often is overlooked by health insurance companies. Many health insurance...more