Four Principles For Getting Exercise When You Have Young Children To Take Care Of Being a parent is a rewarding experience but it certainly changes our lives, taking up time and giving us a world of constant responsibility. When it comes to taking care of ourselves, it is difficult to find time to get exercise and stay in shape. It is crucial, however, to take care of your health, and it is perhaps even more important now that...more
Anxiety Free Children Comes Through For Both Children and Parents Personally, I do not think that there's a greater pain than that felt by us parents when our children are suffering. It is a feeling that hopeless feeling that I cannot really explain, because you want to help your child so bad but then you just do not know what to do. If only switching places was possible, but it is also not possible.When it comes to anxiety it is...more
Help for Children on the Autism Spectrum Recognizing Emotions Many children on the Autism Spectrum have difficulty recognizing emotional cues such as nonverbal expressions which are thought to be conveyed through the eyes as well as connecting with others emotionally on an interpersonal basis. A large part of communication between humans is nonverbal communication. This means to say that it is not just the words that are spoken but in addition how they are spoken, inflection, as well hand gestures, body postures and facial expression. The inability to recognize faces and facial expression is called prosopagnosia. This inability to interpret facial expressions often leads to difficulty in social situations with others. It is also been thought to be involved with a lack of empathy toward others which also is at times associated with autism. The area of the brain most associated with prosopagnosia is the fusiform gyrus of the temporal lobe. Although it is thought that the fusiform gyrus has a specific face area, it is also thought to be responsible for things such as processing of color information as well as number and word recognition. As an example,...more
Low Vitamin D Levels in children Raise Insulin Concerns A new study published in the Archives of disease in Childhood journal shows that kids with low serum vitamin D levels are at risk for increasing insulin resistance and in turn diabetes.Studies are just that, studies. They never give us a full picture what is really going on....more
Childhood Obesity Impacted by Marketing Children can be easily influenced by what they see in the media. Often times, food is being directly marketed to children because advertisers know that kids want what they see on television. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for food marketing curbs in an effort to fight...more
How To Get Your Kids Involved Hobbies are important for young kids and teenagers. They are a place where they can let go of all the stuff they have to do, and do the things they want to do. Also, it is good to teach them a skill to build self-esteem and responsibility. Even if your kid's hobby is building picture frame lighting, playing with an art light is better than sitting around doing nothing, not making a led picture light. Without hobbies, kids can become like sloths. TV or computers begin to play way to big of a role in their lives. As a parent, it is your job to keep this from happening. This is hard because you cannot force your child to have a hobby, or else it is not considered a hobby but if you do not give them a little push to start with, they might never get there.The key is to start at an early age. Beware of being overactive or pushy parents however. If you pigeon hole your child into a sport or activity, not only do you risk them growing to resent it but they might grow to resent you. Your child is not an opportunity for you to relive your glory days to live vicariously through them. What you should do however, is nurture their interests in a wide...more
Paleo Kids Recipes | Caveman Kids Recipes Paleo kids recipes or Caveman kids recipes. Paleo kids recipes for snack, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Paleo Diet Kid Recipes that Cavemen would envy. In the Paleolithic Period fire and...more
Child Custody Rights More Important Facts A few of a mother's rights concern locating the father from the child. Moms are assumed to become the child's legal mother- -paternity is going to be doubtful, even so maternity isn't. A mom...more
Sex life for teenagers Many teenagers are in a new type of sex only relationship. This is because lot of free sex around. Lots are trying to find out themselves, rather than learn from each other, as in old times.Now boys and girls are...more
Teens as a Spa Revenue Stream Teens as a Spa Revenue StreamFor the past few years spas have been attempting to tap into the teen market. Is it a worthy market? Is there a teen need to fulfill? In a word...YES! Read on to learn the...more
Comforting Your Child With Eczema Every parent doesn't want to see his or her kids suffer or be in any kind of pain. A happy, healthy, and contented life is what parents want for their kids. But if your child has a skin ailment such as...more
Ways to get in touch with a good Rancho Cucamonga child support lawyer Are you in search for a good Rancho Cucamonga child support lawyer who can help you with your child's custody? Well if this is the case then here are certain...more