Children today are quite the aberration in terms of their innate ability to grasp at technology, fashion and quite simply at surprising parents with an understanding of worldliness that defies traditional outlook and convention. Today every rich parent"s child will hanker around on their dad"s I pad and play games he might not even be aware of and beat his scores. It"s the same when their parents want to buy them new clothes; now its no longer...more
Children are free from social constrains and does not have any boundaries to limit their actions. Their actions, reactions, dreams, craziness and imagination and all have no restriction and it fly to reach the sky. Freedom for us is a word with wider meaning and differs from person to person. But for a child freedom is always happiness and the opportunity to be what they are without any imitation of commonly followed way of life. Eleanor...more
Every child is a genius. The talent normally lies in them and very often many of them go unnoticed. It may not be the fault of parents or other elders but we can say it is a kind of negligence in them to underestimate or unnoticed the inborn talents in a child. Quite often as an addition to it, children are forced to follow the path which parents choose for them. Mostly the choice is not given children even though they have no flair for that particular subject. The current trend in our country showcase almost same story when it comes to future of children. Parents and teachers are guiding children according to the way they like and enforce the same ideology in the child. For example; Engineering and Medicine is considered to be the most prestigious courses and are given promotions by schools itself. So to keep the standards in the society parents instill this idea into the mind of the child at a very young age. It indirectly drags him / her from their actual goal in life. But we should thank some of those schools in India who believe in the overall development of the child and focus on the areas where each kid is interested in. It can be sports, literature, arts, and other...more
Every child is special with his different abilities and interests in life. It is important to nurture their interests and give them a platform to exhibit and improve their special talents apart from studies. For motivating other co-curricular activities parents need enough funds after spending on education of a child. For middle class professionals...more
As the awesome song by Davie Bowie Goes,,,,,,Ground control to major Tom, Take your protein pills and put your helmet on, (10) Ground control (9) to major Tom (8)(7,6) Commencing countdown (5), engines on (4,3,2) Check ignition (1) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you....That's right boys and girls.... The countdown has begun and your engines...more
Moving to Ohio? While adults are always occupied with matters like organizing the move, completing the necessary paperwork, and so on, it is the children who remain quiet and withdrawn on moving elsewhere and leaving their friends behind.It is up to you to make them comfortable in their new surroundings so that they can adapt quickly. Here are a few pointers to help you:It is best to acquaint kids with the new house before the move. Show them around and ask them to select their rooms. Talk to them about what color they would like their rooms to be. This will induce a homely feeling in them and make them more involved.Tell them that moving to a new place doesn't mean they can't be in touch with their friends. Ask them to give their new phone number and address to their friends. If you don't have a number at the beginning, call up a few of their friends from your cell phone so that your kids can talk to them.A new school is always scary to someone who is making a move. Go with your children to school for the first few days till they become comfortable with the new surroundings. Talk to their teachers and explain the circumstances. You should always encourage children to become...more
Everything about dog bone toysChewing toys or the bone toys aids the dogs of all ages in various ways. Here the term bone does not mean the piece of bone leftover by a roast, or fried piece of meat that could result digestive problems and that are...more
With more than 500,000 elementary and middle school students having already been given the opportunity to interact with pets on a daily basis in their classroom, the Pet Care Trust board has announced a new goal for its Pets in the Classroom Grant...more
Most parents expect to have problems with their kids. Many even expect to have problems related to food, such as having a picky eater in the family or dealing with teenage issues of weight and self-esteem. But what most parents don't ever think might...more
and children with a wide array of feeding difficulties which may include one or more of the following: Reduced or limited intake Food refusal Food selectivity by type and/or texture Addressing feeding problems may be important for preventing or...more
Baby nursery ideas can be confusing for parents who are expecting their first child. As they are unknown of the gender of the kid, it becomes difficult to select the color and the theme of the room. While choosing the color of the room, one can...more
Aussies love to have dog, especially the ones that are cute and adorable. You can play with them as much as you like, but what happens when they are alone. Just like a child, dogs need to keep themselves engaged even in your absence. In such...more