In order to lessen your expense when you are planning to operate a daycare, you need to know the core needs of your facility. Remove all the perks and you will be left with two main requirements of a daycare in order for it to be successful. You need a safe environment for the children and you need competent staff to care and nurture each child.One huge expense in your daily accounting points to the food service that your offer to the kids....more
If you are a stay-at-home mom with lots of free time in your hands, or if you would like to earn extra income, you might be interested in opening up your own home daycare. However, do not be too excited in the idea that you forget to do research on the business you plan to pursue. There are some issues you first need to know. This article can help you be enlightened on some of them.Remember that a home daycare is different from a babysitting...more
There are a lot of families that are now turning into home daycare as their source of additional income. The problem is that not every home daycare would like to get their business legalized. They think that the task of getting a license is too daunting for them. They have to know that some states demand for every home daycare to get a license especially if they are taking care of children from more than one family. Another reason to get a license is for you to earn more from it. How will a license increase your income? You will find the answer in the next few paragraphs.Once you pass the inspection and the quality standard check of the licensing board, you can now charge at a much higher rate. Most parents would not mind paying extra as long as the safety and the well being of their child are secured. They can only be assured of high quality service in a child care if it has a legal license. Another reason why getting a license can actually increase the flow of income for the business is through the feeding program. In child care centers, you need to feed the children meals or snacks, depending on their schedule. These snacks should be composed of nutritious foods in order to...more
Infant MortalityContinuedInfant mortality is an epidemiological (epidemiology considers the factors affecting the health and illness of populations) indicator and is widely recognised as representing an important measure of the level of healthcare in a country. This is because there is a direct correlation with the health status of pregnant women,...more
One of the most exciting aspects of becoming a parent is deciding on what name to give to your new baby and it can also be one of the most difficult things to do as well. After all, your baby will have to live with this name for the rest of his or her life. It does not have to be stressful or overly difficult to choose a perfect name for the newest...more
Are you thinking about possibly throwing a birthday party for your child sometime in the near future? If so, perhaps you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and not quite sure about how to get started with the whole party planning process. This is not a problem, as I will be more than happy to assist you with this.The first thing you will want to do is select a theme for your party. The reason for this is that having a specific theme in mind makes planning a party significantly easier. For a little girl, a tea party theme or a princess theme would be sure to delight her and all of her friends! A little boy would most likely really love a pirate theme or a Wild West theme for his party. For preteens or teens, a karaoke party or watching a movie complete with popcorn and candy would most likely be a huge hit! However, I would highly recommend that you let your child help pick out the theme, as that way you will be sure to throw a party that they are sure to enjoy! You will want to be sure to mail out the invitations for your child's party as early as possible. The sooner you get them sent out, the more likely it is that most of your guests will be able to come to the party. Also,...more
When you have given birth, breast feeding is the most urgent thing you can do to protect your baby and help to market good health. Best of all, breast feeding is free. To help with an active way of living or when you cannot breast feed for any cause,...more
Baby boy gifts compared with that of baby girl gifts are at times much simpler in presentation. However when it comes to christening gift, there need not be a differentiation of gender when it comes to presentation. Likely, the idea is to actually...more
Your children are, hands down, your greatest masterpieces. Beautiful beyond measure and perfect in your eyes, you want only the best for them. Designing your kid's bedroom is a labor of love. You child wants something that represents their tastes,...more
Is there a family on Earth where kids don't argue? I think not.While on vacation I observed young brother against brother, teen sister against sister, and in each case I was so glad I was not the mother.1. Accusations of taking and/or using something...more
Each year, over 4,000 people drown in the USA, making it the 4th leading cause of accidental death, according to the American Institute for Preventive Medicine. Since one-third are children under the age of 14, something as simple as a Pool Alarm...more
Dear 15 year-old Tonia Jordan,I know this sounds strange, but I know somewhere in your silly sci-fi mind, you're going to believe me: I'm you in 10 years. That's right - I'm writing this at the age of 25, and I have some advice for you.First off, I...more