The most important item in the furniture and of course the baby room decor is the crib The crib has to be strong and durable from a reputed company It should be free from rough edges or unnecessary protrusions The paint should not be lead based Make sure that there are no decorative items which could hurt its head, back or limbs There are cribs which have a one sided or two sided openings You will also find cribs which are convertible and...more
Tyler, a five-year old boy was nicknamed "Twister Tyler" after being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) about four months ago. He is currently enrolled in a special education (SPED) school to accommodate his academic and social needs. During the initial pre-enrollment interview, Tyler's mother said that her son used to study in a regular school but had to be transferred after the teachers complained about...more
The best defense is a good offense. At least that is a popular message most of us have heard at some point in our life. When it comes to self defense for teens or even younger children, the best offense is knowing what to do when faced with a dangerous or threatening situation. While it is impossible to imagine and prepare a reaction for all potential threats, it is possible to learn and practice basic self defense methods to become more confident in your ability to ward off an attacker. Here are a few tips that all teens should know in order to better defend themselves should the worst case scenario present itself.- Flight or fight- In the animal kingdom there are two basic reactions to a perceived threat to one's safety. People like animals have the option to either fight or flee an attacker. Fighting off an attacker should be the last resort for teens and adults alike. In most cases the victim is caught unaware, while the attacker has the advantage of surprise, motive and adrenaline. Whenever possible it is best to run away (making as much noise as possible) in search of safety. This is not always possible, but in situations where escape is possible, it is the best...more
You may have heard the many benefits of having your child learn another language, especially Spanish. Have you ever wondered why it's so important for you to help your child learn Spanish? First of all, the clearest reason is that we no longer live in an isolated society but a global one. Even in small towns that may feel remote,...more
The run up to Christmas is a stressful enough time without having to worry about planning Childrens parties. Well for a small group of us who have had children born who fall under the star signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn then you're going to be busy over the run up to Christmas every year.Thankfully there is no need to panic or run for...more
With flu season in full swing, school absences are soaring, and there is hardly a place you can go where you don't hear coughing and sneezing. Here are 7 things you can do as a parent to help your child avoid the flu like the plaque.Get Them Vaccinated-This is trickier than it sounds. With the vaccine supply available sporadically in many localities, and with so many more people wanting the shot or mist this year, finding a place that has them available and can give the shot to young children will take persistence. Call your pediatrician, the health department, and local school weekly for an update on clinic sites and availability.Keep Their Hands Clean-Make this a priority for everyone when returning home. Washing hands first cuts down on the number of germs that can be transferred from the outside world to inside your home on door handles, the refrigerator, and many other common services that are used by everyone. Clean hands help keep all in your family healthy by getting rid of the germs before they can be ingested or enter the body when unclean hands rub eyes and nose.Serve Healthy Meals-Foods high in Vitamin C boost the body's immune system and help the body fight off germs...more
And one way to re use them is by turning them into e mail courses. By doing so, you will be able to offer a new product that will help you establish your credibility as a business owner, e zone publisher or web site owner. Even though you will make...more
Getting a baby to adjust to a normal sleep schedule can be a challenge for new parents. Here are some tips so that both you and your baby can get a good night's rest.1) Establish a routine - A kiss good night or stroking the baby before sleep can...more
Children's riding apparel has a major impact on their ability to ride safely and effectively. Traditionally, equestrian riding apparel has consisted of jodhpurs, or riding breeches, tall boots or paddock boots, a riding helmet, a riding shirt, and a...more
Most children suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are of normal or high intelligence, and may have a specific learning disability that prevents them from taking in and sorting out...more
Author: Adam de GraaffDivorces are happening more and more in today’s society. This is a terrible situation to be in. The involvement of children in this scenario is even more heart-wrenching. As much as you and your ex are feeling hurt,...more
Washable nappies aren't what they used to be. Until a relatively short time ago, 'washable nappies' meant enormous terry squares which swamped the baby; it meant fiddling with giant safety pins, and boiling tin buckets of soiled nappies on the stove...more