I was not a perfect child by any stretch of the imagination. But one thing I don't remember is my mother having to nag me to organize my room and get rid of clutter. Maybe I just have selective memory.Now my brother on the other hand is a different story. He was very popular at school. He was into all kinds of sports and student government. But at home he was, how do I put this nicely? He was messy. If there was anyone who needed to get rid of...more
Whether you have children of your own, younger siblings or babysit a lot, it's important to take child safety seriously. There are so many sick predators out there that prey on the weak and unfortunately that often means women and children. I nanny a lot and I've taken quite a few courses on child safety. Here are some of the most important things I've learned about how to keep children safe:No matter what, never leave a child or...more
FOREVER KIDS Multivitaminas mastigáveis para crianças, de 4 a 104 anos - 120 tabletes - Além de vitaminas e dos minerais, Forever KIDS é enriquecido com fitonutrientes, encontrados em frutas e vegetais. Nos sabores UVA e LARANJA, pastilhas mastigáveis na forma de animais, não contém açúcar, aspartame ou sabores artificiais. Nutre CRIANÇAS e ADULTOS.Dose recomendada: 4 tabletes por dia (crianças acima de 4 anos de idade). Embalagem: 120 TABLETESSua mãe dizia que você devia comer todas as frutas e vegetais porque ela os sabia necessários à formação de um corpo forte e saudável, embora pudesse não saber que também ajudariam você a ter uma vida mais longa. Hoje sabemos que pessoas que comem regularmente bastante frutas e verduras têm taxas inferiores de doenças cardíacas, câncer e muitas outras doenças sérias e possuem maiores chances de uma vida mais longa e saudável. A recomendação é que comamos cerca de seis porções de frutas e vegetais por dia; infelizmente, poucos de nós fazem isso e, se tentarmos, poderemos estar comendo produtos com falta de nutrientes devido ao super-processamento e fatores ambientais.Forever KIDS ao resgate !...more
You can easily use crafts as a way of spending time with your kids while having some fun, too. Regardless of what kind of art they're doing, kids just love to express and create through art. On the other hand, not all parents like getting involved with crafts. What could be the reason? Perhaps for some parents all the mess turns them...more
When a marriage ends, it can be traumatizing for all involved. Of course it has a great effect on the husband and wife, but the children in the marriage will be affected as well. And, even though the emotional effects on both partners can be difficult, it's nothing compared to the effects that it will have on your child.To children the home is a place where they can always return to for safety. This is especially true for smaller children. It represents security. He knows that no matter what difficulties he is having at school, in the playgrounds, in the streets, and so on - he always has a comforting place to come back to where his parents will protect and care for him.Then suddenly, out of the blue, he discovers that the two adults who he has counted on being there for all of his life, are breaking up. It can be devastating. And there's nothing that he can do about it. Children feel powerless much of the time anyway, and this just adds to his sense of powerlessness, depression, and despair .A huge reason for much of the sense of helplessness that the child feels is due to the fact the she has not had time to emotionally prepare for the breakup because she didn't see...more
I placed 3 of my grocery items off the conveyor belt when I remembered one more item I needed in the supermarket. By the time I returned, a smiling older lady in a colorful dress had pushed my 3 canned goods further to the edge. She told the...more
People have specific things that they want from their medical practitioners. This is almost certainly never more true than when the patient is a pregnant woman who is entrusting the physician with caring for her unborn child. First, it is critical...more
Swimming as we know really is a life saving skill. Werther or not we all as grown ups can swim our self, many people would like their own children to be qualified to go swimming. Whilst the majority of primary & secondary schools give...more
Pedal go karts really are one of the greatest toys on the market, Im sure you all agree with me when you're reading this article. To those who arent familiar with pedal go carts yet, it is a four wheeled toy vehicle having real high-backed racer-like...more
God, I feel like I have no mind to use with others. I know I have a mind. It thinks. It sees. It reads. But this mind is different than others. This mind disappears in the presence of others. Others' minds are the boss of...more