A better understanding of asbestos disease such as Mesothelioma is required if we are ever going to make progress in the search for a cure. One interesting study is called, "Asbestos fibers and pleural plaques in a general autopsy population." By A. Churg - Am J Pathol. 1982 October; 109(1): 88–96. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - It has been claimed that symmetric lower zone pleural or diaphargmatic plaques are markers of...more
Asbestos seems to have high potency in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer and low potency in carcinogenesis of Mesothelioma. One interesting study is called, "Asbestos and cigarette smoke cause increased DNA strand breaks and necrosis in bronchiolar epithelial cells in vivo" by Michael Jung, Wendell P. Davis, Douglas J. Taatjes, Andrew Churg and Brooke T. Mossman, - Free Radical Biology and Medicine - Volume 28, Issue 8, 15 April...more
Asbestos workers have been plagued with mesothelioma and other diseases for some time now, and continued vigilance is required if we are ever to solve this problem. One interesting study is called, "'B-Readers' and Asbestos Medical Surveillance" by Ducatman, Alan M. MS, MD; Yang, CDR William N. MD, MPH; Forman, Samuel A. MD, MPH - Journal of Occupational Medicine: August 1988 - Volume 30 - Issue 8. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - B-readers" certified in International Labor Office methodology interpret large numbers of randomly distributed asbestos medical surveillance roentgenograms of US Navy employees. Analysis of 23 participating observers, interpreting more than 105,000 radiographs, demonstrated a 300-fold prevalence range of perceived "definite" pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities. There was an evident geographic component to interpretation habits, with East and West Coast observers more likely to interpret films as abnormal than observers from the midcontinent. The most expert observers, a group who instruct the course leading to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health certification in International Labor Office methodology, also perceived...more
Mesothelioma has taken the lives of thousands, and continued research is the only hope of finding a cure. One interesting study is called, "Variation of properties of chrysotile asbestos subjected to milling" by A. M. Langera; M. S. Wolffa; A. N. Rohla; and I. J. Selikoffa - a Environmental Sciences Laboratory of the Department of...more
Asbestos is deadly when it is broken into small pieces and inhaled. One interesting study is called, "Asbestos and lung cancer in Glasgow and the west of Scotland." By H De Vos Irvine, D W Lamont, D J Hole, C R Gillis - BMJ 1993; 306 : 1503 doi: (Published 5 June 1993) – Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - OBJECTIVE--To quantify the...more
A better understanding of asbestos related diseases is necessary if we are ever to find a cure to Mesothelioma. One interesting study is called, "Immunohistochemical localization of transforming growth factor beta isoforms in asbestos-related diseases." By J Jagirdar, T C Lee, J Reibman, L I Gold, C Aston, R Bégin, and W N Rom - Environ Health Perspect. 1997 September; 105(Suppl 5): 1197–1203. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), a multifunctional cytokine and growth factor, plays a key role in scarring and fibrotic processes because of its ability to induce extracellular matrix proteins and modulate the growth and immune function of many cell types. These effects are important in inflammatory disorders with fibrosis and cancer. The asbestos-related diseases are characterized by fibrosis in the lower respiratory tract and pleura and increased occurrence of lung cancer and mesothelioma. We performed immunohistochemistry with isoform-specific antibodies to the three TGF-beta isoforms on 16 autopsy lungs from Quebec, Canada, asbestos miners and millers. There was increased immunolocalization of all three TGF-beta isoforms in...more
Careful analysis of lung and mesothelial tissues must be done to determine the types of asbestos fibers associated with the mesothelioma One interesting study is called, "Asbestos Fibers Contributing to the Induction of Human Malignant...more
We must focus our energy on finding a cure to Mesothelioma. It is a terrible disease and takes the lives of thousands every year. One interesting study is called, "DNA single strand breaks induced by asbestos fibers in human pleural...more
Exposure to asbestos in the workplace is the most common cause of Mesothelioma disease. Continued research is necessary if we are ever to find a cure. One interesting study is called, "Exposure to Asbestos and Human Disease." By...more
Age spots as we all know are caused by too much sun exposure but that's not the only reason why people have age spots. Age spots can also be caused by weakened skin cells and even bruises that are not healed completely which can also...more
Are there genital Herpes treatments which eliminate outbreaks effectively and permanently?Suffering from no more Herpes flare-ups is yours for the asking. Genital Herpes treatments based on holistic approaches have been very successful....more
Treatment of genital Herpes to eliminate any more outbreaks already exists, despite what you might have been told!. Being free of future Herpes outbreaks is a state many others already enjoy!It's a question of how your body is dealing...more