Dual diagnosis treatment is indicated when substance abuse occurs with the additional presence of concurrent psychiatric disorders. These mental health disorders typically include one or more of the following: depression, anxiety, compulsive and/or obsessive behaviors, among others.There is often confusion and, unfortunately, misinformation promulgated regarding the similarities and/or differences between co-occurring disorders and dual...more
There are certain risk factors which might lead to cancer development. These are: Growing Older Tobacco Sunlight Ionizing radiation Certain chemicals and other substances Some viruses and bacteria Certain hormones Family history of cancer Alcohol Poor diet, lack of physical activity, or being overweight Most of these risk factors can be avoided, while some others, such as family history, cannot be avoided. Wherever and whenever...more
As the name implies, a Bipolar Disorder Treatment is something that can help you deal with the symptoms of a bipolar disorder. Sometimes the medical community likes to use somewhat confusing names. That is why some people call it bipolar disorder while others call is manic depression.Our counselor will talk to you and attempt to get you to talk about as many areas of your life as you feel comfortable talking about. This will allow us to gather information on you that we can then use to determine a further course of action.Depending on what the exploratory counseling comes up with, a traditional treatment can constitute further counseling, psychoanalysis or any other form of non-medicinal therapy. For more information and to see us in action, call Sunset Malibu today at 1-800-332-9202 to experience our bipolar disorder treatment for yourself.No matter what your inclinations are regarding bipolar disorder treatment, we can help you get the treatment that is right for you. We have experience with helping people find the right medications and with helping them get the best counseling they can find.Our clinic has it all to offer, but you only get out of it what you put into it. You need...more
The term Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases in which a group of cells show an abnormal development with an uncontrollable division beyond the normal limits. They have the ability to intrude and destroy adjacent body tissues. Cancer cells have the ability to spread throughout the body via lymph and blood, thus destroying the...more
Myth: Cancer Is Contagious. Truth: People fear having any contacts with a cancer patient. This is absolutely wrong. You cannot catch a cancer. There is simply no need to avoid someone just because they have cancer. Its perfectly okay to touch and spend time with someone who has cancer. In fact, your support may never be more valuable.Although...more
Cancer is treated in different ways. As yet, there is no single treatment for curing cancer. A combination of therapies and palliative care is given to the cancer patients. Often two or more types of treatment are combined for this purpose. Treatments are categorized as follows: Conventional treatmentsComplementary therapiesAlternative therapies Which treatment option should be chosen it depends upon the following factors: Type of cancerStage of the cancer how much it has spreadAgeHealth statusPersonal preferencesIn considering your treatment options, dont be afraid to ask questions to your doctor(s) as you are a key part of your cancer care team. Talk to them about it and make sure you understand your options, then decide which treatment choices are best for you. If possible, seeking a second opinion is often a good idea. Often being diagnosed with cancer makes people think that they have to take decisions hurriedly about the treatments and services. But take time to look at all the available options. It will give you more information about the treatment options and you will be more confident about the one you chose. CONVENTIONAL THERAPIESConventional treatments also known as...more
Exercise Regular exercise helps in speeding up your recovery and also increases your sense of well-being. It will provide the following benefits: Strengthens the immune systems Increases strength and endurance Increases self-esteem ...more
Cancer prevention means to take certain actions which might lower the chances of getting cancer. Ultimately, this might lower the number of new cases of cancer causing lower death rate due to cancer.Cancer is not a single disease but its a group of...more
Want To Know The Size Of One Cell,Visit To Know http://www.healthuse.com/category/health/Neural Stem Cells (Common Brain Cancer) By: Punit Dhawan About the Author www.healthuse.com: Health Use is a web site for all kinds of...more
Read More:http://www.healthuse.com/category/uncategorized/Lung Cancer By: Punit Dhawan About the Author www.healthuse.com: Health Use is a web site for all kinds of health and fitness related information, i start my web site on...more
Read More:http://www.healthuse.com/category/cancer/Skin Cancer By: Punit Dhawan About the Author www.healthuse.com: Health Use is a web site for all kinds of health and fitness related information, i start my web site on 3rd...more
For More Information About Cancer,Visit http://www.healthuse.com/category/cancer/Breast Cancer By: Punit Dhawan About the Author www.healthuse.com: Health Use is a web site for all kinds of health and fitness related...more