Prostate cancer is the most common cancer next to lung and colon cancer in men. This potentially fatal disease can be cured easily if detected early. Fortunately most prostate cancers are slow to develop and grow hence we have enough time to detect. If not, the cancer might spread to other organs nearby.Prostate cancer is one of those diseases that does not show any symptoms. It's presence is usually revealed during routine 'digital rectal exam'...more
Some people think that hand massager is a new massager treatment apparatus that can improve the microcirculation, so that your physical self from the treatment, rehabilitation. The use of hand massager as early as in ancient China and ancient Egyptian times, there was. In addition to our face, hands is the most worthy of our attention as part of the body, which is why we are so concerned about their appearance. You might meet someone looks young,...more
Adding the drug cetuximab to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can shrink tumors and boost the odds of successful surgery in colorectal cancer patients with inoperable metastatic liver lesions, new research suggests.Tumors spread to other parts of the body in more than half of patients with colorectal cancer.Most commonly, the cancer spreads to the liver. Removing the tumors inthe liver can cure patients, but about 80 percent have inoperabledisease and a poor prognosis when they see doctors, the researchersexplain in the Nov. 24 online edition of The Lancet Oncology.Previous research suggests that neoadjuvant treatment with irinotecan-or oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy can make surgery more likely tosucceed. The new study aimed to see if addition of the drug cetuximab,also known as Erbitux, would help patients even more.The study authors, Gunnar Folprecht, from University Hospital CarlGustav Carus in Dresden, Germany, and colleagues from Germany andAustria found that treatment with cetuximab boosted the proportion oftumors that could be treated with surgery. The treatment, in general,didnt have serious side effects.Our data suggest that treatment with cetuximab and chemotherapyresults in...more
Gum is a tissue of the jaws that environs the bases of the teeth. Any kind of swelling, infection or tenderness is recognized as gum diseases. The gums turn out to be tender in shape and often bleed while combing. Plaque is the major reason for all type of gum diseases. Sufficient brushing and flossing is necessary get free of gum illness.Causes...more
A black eye is a relatively common result of injury to the face or the head, caused when blood and other fluids collect in the space around the eye; swelling and dark discoloration result-hence, the name "black eye."Most black eyes are relatively minor injuries. Many heal on their own in a few days; however, from time to time they signify a more...more
Herpes virus affects millions of people worldwide. Herpes simplex virus is a common contagious infection of the skin which occurs on any part of the body like the mouth or the genital area. It spreads into the nervous system affecting it. It also affects the brain. The term herpes comes from the Greek word herpein this means to spread. Herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1 also known as cold sores and blisters, is found above the hip. It is usually contracted from skin to skin contact, kissing, or oral sex. Herpes simplex virus 2 or HSV-2 is transmitted sexually and is found below the hip mostly on the genital area. Many people are unaware that they have herpes because they have mild or no symptoms, or they do not recognize any symptoms. No-symptom of herpes is also called as Asymptomatic transmission.There is no cure for herpes and the virus stays in your body for life. However various treatments and medications are available, that can ease the symptoms and suppress the length of the herpes outbreak. The herpes virus that remains dormant in nerve cells becomes active repeatedly. This virus then travels along the nerves to the skin, and keeps multiplying thereafter.If you experience an...more
Adding new window shades to any room can make it look better and more modern. However, choosing the right kinds of coverings is not always easy, especially since there are so many to choose from, including roller shades, window shades, and curtains....more
Heartburn can be cured with home remedies. To treat heartburn, try these home remedies and how to treat and how to reduce your chances of heartburn. Heartburn is a common disease known by various names. Indigestion, bloating and indigestion all the...more
(NOTE: This article is meant to be a simple informational piece only. It's in no way intended to replace the opinion or diagnosis of your doctor.) Although some people still don't know this compound is a natural formation that's found in the United...more
This year an estimated 14% of the one hundred ninety three thousand men identified as having prostate cancer will already have advanced prostate cancer by the time the cancer is detected. With screening, including digital examinations and PSA blood...more
Lice can be found not only in the head but also in the body and in areas near the groin. The head lice, also known as "pediculosis", can be transferred through head-to-head connection with the person infested. It can have an effect on the head, the...more
The second greatest number of cancer fatalities is from colon cancer.. Every year, approximately forty eight thousand people will die because of colon cancer. Many of these deaths might be avoided with early detection and treatment by standard colon...more