Heat treatment is a process to change the physical aspect of any material, and at times it alters the chemical properties also. The most common use of heat treatment happens to be in the field of metal works or metallurgy. Very interestingly, among non metallic materials, heat treatment is used in the manufacturing of glass products. Heating or chilling are the main activities involved in this treatment. These processes are been performed in...more
The procedure used for modifying the physical and mechanical properties of metals without changing its formation is popularly known as heat treatment. This process mainly increases the strength the of the material. It is also used for modifying the objectives of few material aspect manufacturability such as restoring the ductility after the cooling process, improving machine process and its formability. Its also used for manufacturing materials...more
What are the risk factors for prostate cancer? But risk factors don't tell us everything. Many people with one or more risk factors never get cancer, while others who get cancer may have had no known risk factors.We don't yet completely understand the causes of prostate cancer, but researchers have found several factors that may change the risk of getting it. For some of these factors, the link to prostate cancer risk is not yet clear.AgeAge is the strongest risk factor for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is very rare before the age of 40, but the chance of having prostate cancer rises rapidly after age 50. Almost 2 out of 3 prostate cancers are found in men over the age of 65.Race/ethnicityProstate cancer occurs more often in African-American men than in men of other races. African-American men are also more likely to be diagnosed at an advanced stage, and are more than twice as likely to die of prostate cancer as white men. Prostate cancer occurs less often in Asian-American and Hispanic/Latino men than in non-Hispanic whites. The reasons for these racial and ethnic differences are not clear.NationalityProstate cancer is most common in North America, northwestern Europe,...more
Varicose veins are a nightmare for people especially women, 40% of pregnant women develop varicose veins due to hormonal changes that increased their hormone progesterone that causes the blood vessel to repose. Others acquire this by standing for a long time that stains the abdomen. There are scientific studies that having varicose veins are also...more
Mole Laser Removal-Laser Treatment Compared To Other Mole Removal Treatments Mole laser removal is just one among many treatment choices you have got when you have decided to get rid of a mole. Before you opt for this method, you owe it to yourself to arm yourself with basic information about what moles are, when they ought to be removed,...more
Acute Gout Treatment Guidelines to Help You Beat Gout Naturally Guidelines are useful in all walks of life. When you have sensible guidelines to follow, life gets so much easier. And gout treatment guidelines are no exception. Here you'll discover some very simple gout guidelines to help you eliminate gout from your life.The guidelines start from an understanding of what really causes your gout. Many folks know that crystals in your joints causes gout. But what they do is cause the symptoms of gout; redness, swelling, inflammation, heat, stiffness and agonizing pain. But where do the crystals come from?These are urate crystals that can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your body. So where do these high levels come from? First, you need to know that uric acid is present quite naturally in all of us. It is a byproduct of the metabolizing process that out bodies go through.Normally, your kidneys process and remove excess uric acid from your body through urine. But if your kidneys aren't up to scratch for some reason, or, your body is making way too much uric acid for your kidneys to deal with, then you end up with high uric acid.So normally your doctor would advise...more
Early Menopause and Natural Treatment for Menopause Menopause, the time when a woman stops have menstrual period, is not a disease or an illness. It is a change between two phases of a woman's life.Many women knowledge a variety of symptom as...more
Panic Attack Treatments A therapist will advance to change the cerebration which accompanies a agitation attack.Your adeptness to administer your agitation advance depends in ample allotment on what you anticipate if you feel one beginning.You...more
What Causes Low Platelets, Treatment If a person is advised by his doctor that he is having Thrombocytopenia, then it is understood that the count of platelet is very less. It may be below the count of 1,50,000 per micro liter of blood. He can...more
Be Embarassed No More! Discover the Various Treatment Procedures Available for Removing Genital Warts If you think that wart on your genitals is just a wart, then you're in error. Genital warts are considered a form of sexually transmitted...more
A group of researchers in America are conducting tests using biomarkers in an effort to establish whether there are biological signs that could point to some men being more susceptible to developing prostate cancer than others.The prostate is only...more
A new biomarker has been discovered which could help doctors diagnose patients who have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. According to Science Magazine, the work was carried out by experts at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI)...more