Asbestos Fibers Disrupt Chromosome Behavior The development of mesothelioma disease has been linked to asbestos exposure. One interesting study examining this relationship is called, "The Hygiene Standard for Chrysotile Asbestos" - The Lancet, Volume 311, Issue 8062, Pages 484-489. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Previous studies, including the analysis on which the current 2 fibres/cm3 hygiene standard is based, may have...more
With the modern lives that we live, it is inevitable that there are some diseases that cannot be halted in their tracks. Lifestyles are such that some people will just succumb to the diseases while others will do everything in their power to hang on to their lives and try to stay healthy. However, with proper treatment, lives can be extended if it is not saved. To see what kind of treatment is available in the city, look for 'cancer treatment'...more
Non-Toxic Treatments for Algal Blooms and Weed Reduction in Lakes It is a fact that lakes are usually polluted with algae and weeds. We sometimes take care of them by using some toxic pesticides. These toxic pesticides may have some bad effects to the plants, fish and other beneficial organisms in our lake. Nowadays, with our fast phased technology, they were able to develop some formula that will enable us to get rid of algal blooms and reduce weeds without sacrificing the life of the other organisms in your lake. The newly developed formulas' main role is to reduce the eutrophication in lakes and ponds as well to control the weed growth and algal bloom in the water. If it's not toxic, how will it work? Well, the answer is like this. These new innovations take care of the lake naturally by neutralizing the electrostatic charges in water. It was also said that the newly developed formulas can be effective in neutralizing those charges that are usually maximized by the submerged weeds and green planktonic algae. This charge is very important to aquatic plants for two reasons. First, this charge separate weeds and algae, so we can avoid them matting together and dropping...more
Cancer Treatment and Medication CancerCancer is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in human body. The cells divide at a very faster rate and even rupture to infect other tissues. They may travel in the blood stream or the lymph fluid. There are close to 100 different types of cancer. They are named after the organ they infect or...more
Seeking the Right Help for Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment One requires great determination to overcome the addiction of Alcohol from their daily life. It is also a fact that quitting alcohol has withdrawal symptoms which is associated with it. Therefore, alcohol withdrawal treatment is provided to those individuals who want to overcome their...more
Discover - Natural Heartburn Treatment Duodenal Ulcer And Gerd Pancreatic Cancer and Search Symptoms Of Acid Reflux plus info on Complications From Acid Reflux SurgeryAcid reflux is a serious problem if you allow it to exist for a while. I'm going to share all the information on it and what you need to do.Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.Click Here Now To Learn How To End Heartburn For Good >>Are you familiar with the condition known as the yeast infection? This is a big problem for more than 70% of the population regardless of age and gender. The cause for this dreaded yeast infection is the fungal species known as Candida albicans.Find out what causes heartburn. Know the benefits of home remedies for heartburn.If you suffer from heartburn indigestion or acid reflux then you know just how miserable it can make you feel let alone feeling sick. From personal experience over many years of dealing with heartburn and...more
Discover - Acid Reflux Throat - Problems And Treatment Gerd Atypical Symptoms Limitations and issues about Does Heartburn Cause Cancer and issues about Pot Smoking And Acid Reflux DiseaseAcid Reflux or Heartburn Means DANGER. Find out about...more
Male Impotence Causes and Treatment for Male Impotence Cure Impotence is a common problem among men characterized by the consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or...more
Head Lice Oil Treatment Lice are small bugs that can often be seen on the hair of a child. These wingless creatures have six legs and are brownish to grayish in color. Small children, particularly girls with long hair, are susceptible to...more
Arthritis Treatment: Varied treatment for arthritis Arthritis is a disease which causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. The places in the body where bones meet are known as joint. The meaning of the word arthritis is joint...more
Melasma Natural Treatment - Treat Your Melasma In A Week Or Less Melasma Natural treatment can be used to fight off melasma which affects thousands of people across the globe. Women are mostly affected by this skin condition which results in...more
Chronic Sinusitis Treatment - What's Available? Chronic Sinusitis is described as inflammation in the mucus membrane that lasts more than 12 weeks. Usually caused by viral or bacterial infection, but it may sometimes be caused by other...more