When you know what you're doing, there are lots of methods you can use to find auto finance and some of them are much quicker, more effective and money-saving too. If it's a fast auto loan that you're looking for, you will want to know quickly whether you will be able to get it or not.The finance houses still - despite the turmoil of recent months and years, still have cash to lend out - it's their business, of course. So when you find a car loan...more
Benefits of auto insuranceFinancial assistanceThis is one of the most important benefits of this kind of insurance. It keeps you protected from financially unsafe and dangerous situations. You will be financially secured whenever you experience car accidents. This is why it is very important for your personal, financial, and medical protection. It is helpful in providing financial assistance for huge medical bills and auto replacement or repair...more
Are you trying to learn the art of ninjutsu, but don't have a teacher or Ninja dojo near you?Do you want to know how to train in Ninjutsu when you're training on your own?Well, you're not alone. In fact, the Path that you are walking on, or at least considering to enter, is not unique to you or to our modern world. People would like to think that to learn ninjutsu, or any other martial art for that matter, that you MUST go to a formal school and train directly with a teacher.And, while it was once necessary to be in the presence of a teacher, at least for short periods, to learn the lesson, modern technology has created a new paradigm - a new way to get the training you need.And, while even a few years ago, the student training on his or her own, was pretty much limited to trying to learn from the static pictures in martial arts books and magazines - today's student can use the power of video and the internet to get much of the training they need. And you can do the same thing to learn ninjutsu.In fact, you will actually be walking a Path that has been walked by me, my own teachers, the Grandmaster, and even Takamatsu-sensei - the 33rd Grandmaster of the Togakure-Ryu of Ninjutsu,...more
It seems that the vast majority of people who are interested in, and drawn to, the art of Japan's ancient Ninja warriors only seem to focus on the "cool moves" and exotic weapons that they see in the movies. To these "fans," the trappings ARE the art, and no amount of discussion or proof will convince them that the image is not the art.As I remind...more
Have you been looking for online ninja training? Are you without a teacher or authentic Ninja dojo close to where you live? If so, have you been trying to learn this powerful martial art on your own?Many people know that solo training is both a viable, as well as an historical training method, the next question becomes: "Can solo training provide...more
One of the most surprising statements that my students hear from me all the time has to do with the validity of Ninjutsu - the Ninja's Arts of accomplishment - as a real martial art. In fact, I contend that Ninjutsu is NOT a real martial art!I'm sure that you're just as confused right now, as my students are the first time they hear me say this. But, I believe - no, I KNOW that this is true.Before I explain my logic, let's take a look at what we find when we explore the conventional martial arts generally available in today's world. Even most of the so-called "traditional" martial systems being taught in martial arts schools around the world today, are no different from what I'm about to describe.When we think of martial arts in today's world, the general image that comes to mind involves predominantly physical aspects - supposedly the aspects related to physical self defense. In fact, if you and I would walk into a martial arts school right now, we would have no doubt that 95% or better, of what we would see being done, would be the blocks, kicks, punches, or grappling moves that are a part of that system's way of approaching personal self protection.Of course, we might also see a...more
With the resurgence in interest in the Ninja and the art of Ninjutsu, thanks to the new movie "Ninja Assassin," there has come a new wave of students who want to be the Ninja they saw on the movie screen. And, unfortunately, that is such a shame....more
Golf Injuries: Preventing Back Injuries By: Dr. Stacey Burke D.C. About the Author Stacey Burke is a Doctor of Chiropractic and co-founder of West Coast...more
Studies Link Fosamax to Femur Fractures:Fosamax (bisphosphonate) is used to treat post-menopausal women who are at risk of osteoporosis. Clinical trials performed by Merck (the manufacturer of Fosamax) have reported the following in patients taking...more
Are you concerned about auto rubber floor mats detracting from the aesthetic of your vehicle's interior? Modern rubber mats are actually fairly thin and stylish. They come in a variety of patterns and colors so you can find a set that works with...more
With the hard economic times, today many people are looking a way out to get financing for a new or used car. The economy has had marked a negative impact on the credit history of millions of American citizens. For this reason, some companies are...more
Buying an car is a very exciting thing to do. Whether or not you aren't a real automobile buff it can be a fun time until you buy to he part regarding financing your purchase. Getting an car loan can be stressful and confusing. In this article we...more